Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Rights Of Same Sex Couples - 1514 Words
The rights of same-sex couples is a big controversy currently, and although there are still many in opposition, the number of supporters increases regularly. Not only do most opposing take a religious standpoint, but they also claim is have a negative effect on â€Å"real marriage†and that same-sex households cannot provide the necessary parenting needed to properly raise a child. Not only do most advocates feel that some of the opposing arguments make no sense, but also that others are based off of sole assumption rooted in personal agenda. Also, the most important aspect of and reasoning for marriage is love, and it is unfair to deny same-sex couples the right to prove and commit to their love. Based on the first Amendment, the Bible has no legal standing in American law. Homosexuals are here to stay and most opposition to gay marriage is simply discrimination based on conflict of beliefs. This argument is no different than the civil rights movement for equal rights to Afri can Americans in which, in its time, it was almost unheard of to consider sharing schools, water fountains, or even interracial marriages. This is now seen as an outdated vise for discrimination, and as African Americans cannot decide their color, homosexuals stick by their experience that they did not choose this and that they have struggled with their sexuality throughout their entire lives. The arguments for and in refute of those against same sex marriages seem sound. The Supreme Court of the state ofShow MoreRelatedThe Rights Of Same Sex Couples1118 Words  | 5 PagesSoppho: Have you heard, Socrates, that our government is intending to extend the rights of marriages to same-sex couples? Under that change, gay partners will then be recognized equally as heterosexual husbands and wives. Socrates: Yes, but politicians and those in positions of influence have no business to mess with the standard of God relating to marriage, let alone decide to debate this issue as if it is open for discussion. Because of the way they are boasted, they don’t have a proper perspectiveRead MoreThe Right For Same Sex Couples1161 Words  | 5 PagesAs you know, since June 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry in all 50 US states. It is handing gay rights advocates their biggest victory yet. Although, the laws admit their rights, some people still have some negative thought about LGBTQ. Our group chooses this topic and this course of action because we want to inform the class and the community the hardships of those in the LGBTQ community and their â€Å"coming out†stories. WeRead MoreEssay on Same Sex Couples Adoption Rights2243 Words  | 9 PagesShould Same Sex Couples Have the Same Adoption Rights as Heterosexual Couples? Krystal Davis COM/220 March 13, 2012 Barbara Plyler Should Same Sex Couples Have the Same Adoption Rights as Heterosexual Couples? In 2008, President Barack Obama stated there are too many children who need loving parents to deny one group of people adoption rights (eQuality, 2005). A child will benefit from a healthy, loving home, whether the parents are gay or not (eQuality, 2005). With thatRead MoreRights of Same-Sex Couples as Parents Essay1432 Words  | 6 Pagesthe U.S., only six allow same-sex couples to get married, even fewer allow same-sex couples their full rights as parents. State laws aren’t the only laws to blame; some federal laws also inhibit same-sex marriage, benefits, adoption, and parenting rights. There are even laws prohibiting same-sex couples from becoming adoptive parents altogether. Rights should not be limited because of sexual orientation, race, religion, gender, or creed; that’s discrimination. Same-sex couples who want to be parentsRead MoreEqual Rights for Same-Sex Couples Essays1973 Words  | 8 Pagesofficial. For many same-sex couples across the United States of America this is a reality. Even though great strides have been made in the advancement of gay rights, homosexual couples still face opposition from the Federal Government by being denied the right to a marriage. Same-sex marriages should be constitutionalized. While the Federal Government denies gay and lesbian couples the right to marry, there are some state governments which allow same-sex couples the right to domestic partnershipsRead MoreEqual Rights to Marry for Same-Sex Couples2911 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿California Proposition 8: Same Sex Marriage The equal right to marry for same-sex couples in the United States has acquired growing public support over time, with a quantity of state-level laws passed and others presently up for debate. Proposition 8 was a ballot proposition and constitutional amendment that was passed in the November 2008 state elections in California. The measure added a new provision, Section 7.5 of the Declaration of Rights, to the California Constitution, which providesRead MoreThe Right For Same Sex Couples Should Be Protected Under The Constitution1041 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Since the beginning of the Obama administration, the Gay Rights Movement has been a prominent topic in America because of it’s many victories including Congress’ decision to expand the definition of hate crimes to include sexual orientation and the repeal of â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†in 2010. In 2014, the right for same-sex couples to marry became protected under the Constitution, which marked the achievement of the Gay Rights Movement most important goal (Berman, 2014). Still, due to the bigotedRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1475 Words  | 6 PagesSame sex relationships relate to when a man or woman are attracted to someone of the same gender of themselves. It is being rejected as same gender marriage denies the obvious purpose between a man and a women which is procreation (Richardson-Self, 2012). Denying same sex couples the legal right to get married, could mean that they are being denied their basic human rights to enjoy human benefits (Richardson-Self, 2012). However, the opposing view is that if gay marriage was granted the legal rightsRead MoreThe purpose of this policy brief is to recommend to the State of Florida a policy that will1200 Words  | 5 PagesThe purpose of this policy brief is to recommend to the State of Florida a policy that will legalize same-sex marriage and acknowledge same-sex marriages recognized by laws in other states. This policy is necessary because current laws in Florida that restrict marriage to different-sex couples violate the US Constitution’s commitment to equal protection under the law and because the Due Process Clause protects individuals freedoms of personal choices, which includes their choice to marry and haveRead MoreThe Debate Over Same Sex Marriage1334 Words  | 6 Pagesin the general election of 2004. I believe that couples of the same sex should be able to marry, and receive the same rights as man and women couples, but I m going to argue both points. The pros and the cons of same sex marriage. -Same sex marriage has been a fight that has been growing since the twentieth century. The United Sates is generating discrimination against same-sex couples. People of faith are the biggest advocates against same-sex marriages; with the belief that marriage is the
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Nazis And The Superior Race - 857 Words
It is strange to study one of Europe’s darkest periods and wonder how on Earth so many people believed in the Nazis and the superior race. As much as anyone hates to admit it, Hitler was one heck of a leader, by amassing millions of followers and being able to keep them. He could have only held so much power by believing in his cause so much that others could not help but believe it too. Hitler, Rosenburg, and other Nazi leaders saw the Jews as a separate, inbred, greedy, race who were trying to dominate the economy and essentially take over the world. Though anti-semitism had existed for many centuries prior to this, it was enflamed like never before by propaganda and publications such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These racist ideals were codified in the Nuremberg Laws set forth in 1935. This modern anti-semitism was different in both kind and intensity than previously seen in Europe. Interesting enough, are the influences the different leaders of the Nazi party ha d on each other in their ideologies that became the platform for their party. Hitler was the most well-known leader of this cause. Everything Hitler believed was inspired by Karl Lueger, the mayor of Vienna when Hitler was studying art there. Lueger was the leader of the anti-Semitic Christian Social Party in Vienna. Hitler got his idea for the Final Solution from Lueger’s advocacy for the partial extermination of Austria’s Jews. During his time in Vienna, Hitler had a world view with â€Å"the notion thatShow MoreRelatedNazi Germany: Rights and Responsibilities of a Superior Race Essay1798 Words  | 8 Pagesfoundations for our development, coupled with brutal determination in breaking down incurable tumors.†-Adolf Hitler Nazi Germany: Rights and Responsibilities of a â€Å"Superior†Race INTRODUCTION The Holocaust, carried out by the leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler, from 1933-1945 in various European countries resulted in the extermination of minority groups deemed inferior by the Nazis, other groups being displaced, taken from their families, removed from their homes, and leaving to start a new lifeRead MoreCompare and Contrast Hitlers Race Theory with the Realities of the Holocaust. How Did Expansion Contribute to These Theories?593 Words  | 3 PagesHitlers race theory with the realities of the Holocaust. How did expansion contribute to these theories? Nazism developed several theories concerning races. The Nazis claimed to scientifically measure a strict hierarchy of human race. Once firmly in power, Hitler’s plans for the ending of the struggle between the Aryan race and the â€Å"inferior races†was set to work. These races feared as a biological threat to the master race purity. At the bottom of this hierarchy were â€Å"parasitic†races which wereRead MoreWas Nazism in Germany Racist or Nationalist? Essay example1190 Words  | 5 Pagesman, obsessed with the notions of creating a perfect and flawless race, became the centerpiece for what would be known as the worst tragedy in the history of mankind; the irrational mass killing of millions of innocent victims, particularly the Jews. This essay will discuss whether Nazism was nationalist or racist from different point of views, such as the ideology of superiority, the ideal Germans, discrimination of Jews, Nazis aim to build a greater Germany, the economy and the unity of theRead MoreMotives Behind Genocide : Genocide Negatively Affects Perpetrators By Perpetuating Distorted Thinking About The Self And Others1628 Words  | 7 Pagesgives a false hope of what can actually be done. Eugenics will drive people to eliminate races who do not fit into the desirable characteristics that must be present in order to create and improve the perfect human population. Aspirations of eugenics can inspire genocide. For example, Adolf Hitler who is responsible for the genocide of millions of Jews had the mindset of eugenics. In the book, â€Å"The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution†, communicates: â€Å"†¦scientists and physiciansRead MoreThe Importance of Archaeology1232 Words  | 5 Pageshuman activity in the past. It has been often put to political use. In time of Adolf Hitler the Nazi Leader, archeology was unlikely special interest. The importance of Archeology was used by its leader to make his case that Germany had every right to invade surrounding countries. They used nationalism and the archeology itself to maintain and rationalize their party ideology of the superior Germanic race. It also allows employing many archeologists to help them seek and reach their political goalsRead MoreEssay about Nazi Use of Darwinism 1495 Words  | 6 Pagesliberals, and the Jews. These â€Å"races†became scapegoats in Germany, and that is how they were constructed as the â€Å"inferior race.†These groups of people, especially the Jews, were not even considered human. With the belief of an inferior race, came the belief of a superior race, which were the self-proclaimed Germans. Concentration camps were created in Germany to separate the inferior race, or the non-Germans from the Germans. It was believed that the inferior race was contaminating the German geneRead MoreNazi Propaganda1653 Words  | 7 PagesMost Nazi Propaganda was ineffective. Explain why you agre e or disagree with this statement. The Nazis used propaganda to a great extent in Germany. It was impossible to escape and millions of ordinary Germans came across Propaganda every day. Not all the propaganda in Nazi Germany was successful but I believe that overall propaganda was massively successful in gaining Hitler and the Nazis support and influencing Germans with Nazi ideas and attitudes. By dominating all aspects of society many GermansRead MoreThe Role of Women and Children in Nazi Germany 1498 Words  | 6 Pagesthat they lost because of the Jewishs or any other race that was not his pure white race. The Jewish suffered pain and were ridicule. The German women also felt pain and were made less. The role of women and children in Nazi Germany was greatly humiliating. They might not have gotten gassed or persecuted for their race, but the Nazi forced them to follow rules and treated them as animals. The only ones that had a word or say in anything were Nazi men. Women’s life as a hard working woman was not allowedRead MoreNazism as an Extension of Nationalism Essay870 Words  | 4 PagesNazism as an Extension of Nationalism Nazi Germany was the creation of Adolf Hitler, and Nazism was his movement. It began as a union, known as the National Sozialistische Deustches Arbeiten Partei. It grew to be a powerful political party under the ruling of Hitler, paving his way to German Chancellor and President, the undisputed leader of the entire German state. The concept of Nazism was developed during this course in history. It is a concept based loosely onRead MoreNazi Aesthetic (Olympics Berlin 1936)1319 Words  | 6 PagesBody Prof. Gordon Nazi Aesthetics The regime of the Nazi party had an explicitly approved form of art. Unlike the other totalitarian regimes of the era, the approved forms of art were firmly integrated into their iconography and ideology, and excluded any other art movement, including those that were popular at the time. These approved forms of art held a limited number of themes, which were repeated as often as necessary, in order to portray the values the Nazis deemed relevant to their
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Victim by Oliver Smithfield Free Essays
In this essay I intend to explore the narrative conventions and values, which Oliver Smithfield presents in the short story Victim. The short story positions the reader to have negative and sympathetic opinion on the issues presented. Such as power, identity and bullying. We will write a custom essay sample on Victim by Oliver Smithfield or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example Mickey the young boy is having issues facing his identity. It could be argued that finding your identity may have the individual stuck trying to fit in with upon two groups. The main character Mickey is represented as valuing the outcasts of society. He is at an age where identity is important to find and seeking power to prove he can fit in. The issues facing this character have values and attitudes reflecting his actions. Another essential feature of an example is showing the Mickey is trying to prove he is strong, but not tough enough to harm another person so he uses his anger to think about making an irrational decision. â€Å"I – I – I’m gonna k – k – kill it! He cried. †This example shows how Mickey is unsure of his decision. As a main character presented we as readers feel sympathy toward him because he is forced to act in a certain way that others will accept him. Power is defined as an ability to do or act; it represents strength, control and position of authority. Victim is based on identity and how power can have conflicts in certain groups of people, in more in depth a culture. Benda is another main character that represents physical power. This is shown through the way he looks and acts towards other people. â€Å"Butch, sensing Mickey’s uncertainty snarled, â€Å"You’re such a reject. They began to close in on him pushing and laughing. †Butch is described as â€Å"a muscly, thick-set boy with a shaved head. †Ras is a character who is also an outcast but has the ability to show he is not afraid to say what he thinks or feels. â€Å"Michael†¦Ã¢â‚¬ said Ras softly, â€Å"It is not the way. †Mickey is a character who struggles with power and doesn’ t know how to show the ability of self-control. These individual characters show different qualities of power and give the reader the ideas of how power can be shown. Narrative conventions are used through out this short story. The main narrative conventions used are setting, theme, descriptive language and conflict. The setting is based in a school ground, which represents innocents of youth. The theme represents society and power, the power between characters and finding our identity in society. Descriptive language is used through out the short story to help us feel sympathetic towards the outcasts in this instance we feel for Mickey and Ras. The conflict in this short story is about man vs man, man vs society and man vs self. Man vs man is portrayed through the bullies and Mickey, man vs society is struggling with identity and man vs self is the struggle with inner self power. Narrative conventions have been used to position the reader to respond sympathetic and have the view on how identity also power are important for one’s self. The issues presented in Victim are shown through Mickey wanting to fit in by killing a creature smaller than himself. I believe Mickey has found his identity by not killing the creature because he shows self control and has qualities which others maybe intimidated by using descriptive language it positions the reader to not only think deeper in the short story but possibly reflect upon themselves. I believe this short story has made me think how others are affected when people do not accept them for whom they are. As a young person it is important to feel wanted and accepted in society. Victim has shown as a light view on how hard it is to fit in society now days because people are still scared of what and who is different. This essay explored the narrative conventions and values, which is represented in Oliver Smithfield’s short story, Victim. We learn the influence of others may find us wanting to have a different identity and can inflict one’s self on how we interoperate the power we have. It can be seen that more than these issues can lead to not only wanting to find identity but the issues of power. I believe reading Victim, it has not only presented certain issues of power and identity but has shown society in a negative light. As I have argued though out this essay I believe identity is an aspect of showing who you are. How to cite Victim by Oliver Smithfield, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Comparative Advantage & Absolute Advantage-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.As a producer why is it important to consider the Price Elasticity of demand of your product when selling the price you are going to change? 2.Explain the difference between Comparative advantage and absolute advantage? Answers: The Price elasticity of demand (PED) portrays the capability of quantity demanded to react to deviations in the price. This measure exhibits how much the quantity bought increases or declines due to a price fall or hike. Producers make use of PED to make revenue maximizing decisions.(Case, Fair, Oster, 2014). Elastic Demand For a commodity whose PED is elastic, then a small variation in the price results in a significant shift in the quantity purchased(Arnold, 2013). In such cases, the consumers are highly responsive to changes in the price. This scenario usually occurs when a good is non-essential or easily substitutable. Therefore, for an elastic product, the producer can maximize revenue by lowering the price. On the figure one above, if the producer reduces the price of an elastic commodity from $1.50 to $0.85, then the quantity purchased increases from 3 units to 10 units. More units are consumed at a relatively low price and thus more revenue generated. Inelastic Demand For a product whose PED is inelastic, then a large deviation in the price results in a little variation in the quantity purchased(Arnold, 2013). Since the buyers are unresponsive to price fluctuations, the producer can maximize revenue by increasing the price. On the chart two above, a hike in the price from $1.55 to $3.67, results in a small drop in the quantity purchased. At a price of 3.67 U.S Dollars, the enterprise will get more proceeds than at a price of $1.55. 2.Comparative Advantage vs. Absolute Advantage Absolute advantage entails a situation where an entity or a country can generate goods and services at a lower cost per unit in comparison to another entity or a country. A country or a firm that has an absolute advantage is known to generate goods and services using highly efficient processes or with fewer inputs(Kleindl, Burrow, Dlabay, 2016). For example, if both Spain and India are manufacturers of vehicles, but Spain can create cars at a faster rate and of higher quality than India, then Spain has an absolute advantage. On the contrary, comparative advantage entails the ability of a country to make merchandises at a reduced opportunity cost than another country. Lower opportunity cost is grounded on the capacity of a country to specialize in generating products using a limited amount of resources. In this situation, the opportunity cost incorporates the benefits that are surrendered as a result of making one choice(Mankiw, 2014). Assume that Spain and India have sufficient resources to generate either coffee or wine, though not both. India can make 32 units of coffee or 25 units of wine whereas Spain generates 22 units of coffee or 13 units of wine. Then Indias opportunity cost for every unit of coffee is 25/32 (0.78) while that of wine is 32/25 (1.28). On the other hand, Spains opportunity cost for coffee is 13/22 (0.59) while that of wine is 22/13 (1.69). In this case, Spain holds a comparative advantage in the making of coffee while as India holds a comparative advantage in wine. Bibliography Arnold, R. A. (2013). Economics. Mason, Ohio: South-Western. Case, K. E., Fair, R. C., Oster, S. M. (2014). Principles of economics. Harlow, England: Pearson. Kleindl, B., Burrow, J., Dlabay, L. R. (2016). Principles of business. Mason : South-Western Educational Publishing. Mankiw, N. G. (2014). Principles of economics. Stamford, CT : Cengage Learning.
Friday, November 29, 2019
JB Priestley an inspector Calls Essay Example
JB Priestley: an inspector Calls Paper At the start of the play Sheila and Eric are a lot like their parents, but by the end they seem to care more for taking responsibility in their actions. The effect this may have on the audience is that they might begin to think Birling is a bad man, and that he is selfish and uncaring for anybody else. The audience may start to support Sheila and Eric in their argument for socialism, and agree with them. The inspector is a very mysterious man, and though he neednt be a big man, upon sight he creates an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness. Priestley has cleverly designed this character, saying that he speaks carefully, weightily, and also mentions that the inspector has a disconcerting habit of looking hard at the person he address before speaking to them. Again, this emphasizes how important stage directions are to Priestley. He interrogates the Birlings and Gerald, who are very unhappy to have the inspector present, and it seems he arrived at an awkward time, since the family were just celebrating an occasion of engagement between Sheila and Gerald. The inspector immediately drains them of their glee like a dark messenger. The inspectors role in the play is to arrive at the Birlings house and question them for information about the death of a girl, named Eva Smith. He tells them all that she had died in the infirmary just two hours ago, and she had been taken there that afternoon from swallowing a lot of strong disinfectant. To make Evas death sound even worse and to help summon the audiences sympathy, he goes into the graphic detail of telling them she was burnt inside out. During his visit the inspector asks a lot of questions, and frequently interrupts the Birlings, to help give out his impression of massiveness. We will write a custom essay sample on JB Priestley: an inspector Calls specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on JB Priestley: an inspector Calls specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on JB Priestley: an inspector Calls specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A lot of his sentences are short, which help to emphasize his sense of authority, but they still make a lot of sense. When Mr. Birling asks the inspector whether he is there for some trouble about a warrant, he merely replies with a short No, Mr. Birling. Birling feels awkward and impatient upon hearing this, and so he tries to restart the conversation. He tries to use his social position to intimidate the inspector; but even boasting that he is the owner of a business does not seem to stir the inspector at all. J. B. Priestley uses the inspectors false name, Inspector Goole, to make the audience think in a particular way. His name sounds like ghoul, which is the name given to a dead being that people believe haunt deserted houses. Upon hearing the name Goole the audience may think the inspector is a ghost who may have come to get his revenge on the Birlings, or perhaps he could be a figment of their imagination. Just hearing the inspectors name will make the audience eager to find out who he is and what his purpose is with the Birlings. A dramatic device is something a writer uses to catch the audiences attention. One dramatic device that Priestley uses in this play is the use of dialogue as the inspector tells the family and Gerald of Eva Smiths death. The information of any character dying in a play will immediately catch the audiences attention, and since the inspector has come to see the Birlings about it, then the audience begins to think the death was related to them. They may also think he has come to question them about her, or even to accuse them of killing her. Its possible that the inspector is related to Eva but the audience can only find out by listening to the dialogue. This is why interesting dialogue is useful in making the audience aware and pay attention to the story. Another dramatic device Priestley uses is when he starts to imply Mr. Birling isnt the only one guilty of Evas suicide. He says to Sheila that when Eva was working at Milwards, a clothes shop, a customer complained about her, so she had to leave. Sheila asks when this happened, and the inspector shows her a photograph nobody else gets to see. Sheilas reaction to the photograph the minute she sees it makes it obvious she is the customer that complained. Therefore, she may also be guilty of Evas suicide. The audience will want to verify this. The photograph is also effective because the audience do not get to see it either. This is another dramatic device. Priestley includes these dramatic devices to keep the audience interested. They are successful, because they made me want to know what happens next and whether the Birlings will find a way out of these accusations. I conclude that An Inspector Calls is an excellently-written play, and was introduced to the world at an effective time. Although the play isnt very fun to read, it captures the audiences imagination and keeps them hooked on the storyline. The plays purpose has touched many, and Priestley tries to make us understand that if we all work together, the world will be a better place.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Job Shop Layout Essay example
Job Shop Layout Essay example Job Shop Layout Essay example Job Shop Layout Excel Case Problem MBAA 607 Operation Analysis By: Audra Halim Due Date: 4/7/15 a) The total number of feet all workers combined must move during a day’s operation with the current, baseline layout is 72,720 feet b) . NEW LAYOUT B C1 C2 Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 F W C3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 R S G A Area 7 Area 8 Area 9 Area 10 c) The total number of feet all workers combined must move during a day’s operation with the new layout is 33,720 feet d) (72,720-33,720)/72,720*100= 53.63%. I would expect at least with the new joint over the old joint is 53.63% improvement because with all other things equal, the operation cost of the old joint is 72,720 and the new joint 33,720, we can calculate that at least we should have improvement at least 53.63% from the reduction in the operation cost. e) Since, I cannot change the location of all cashier, I need to see which work areas that cashier goes a lot. From the from/to matrix, we can see that the highest number of worker-trips made from cashier is to warmer so that is why I put the warmer (w) in area 5 and I put here so it will be closed with all the cashier. The next thing that I look is which work area that has the highest number from warmer and I see that number of worker-trips made from warmer to fryer is the highest so I put fryer (F) in are 4 rather than area 1 because area 4 has shorter distance than area 1 from area 5. I don’t put the fryer in area 9 because I need to put the fryer (f) and beverage dispenser (B) next to each other and when I try to put in area 9 (f) and in area 10 (B), it has higher cost. Next thing, I look is which work are that has the highest number from fryer and it is beverages so I put beverages in
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Federal Reserve System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Federal Reserve System - Essay Example The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) consists of the Board of Governors and Federal Reserve Bank Presidents. The FOMC is the monetary policymaking body that creates policy designed to stimulate economic growth, full employment, stable prices, and a sustainable pattern of international trade and payments. It makes responsible decisions concerning the open market operations. In addition, the FOMC directs system operations in foreign currencies. The Board of Governors makes decisions regarding cost and availability of money and credit in the economy. The Board regulates banks, contributes to the monetary policy, and oversees the activities of the Federal Reserve Banks. Members of the Board of Governors include Ben S. Bernanke, the Chairman; Roger E. Ferguson, Jr., the Vice Chairman, Susan Schmidt Bies, Mark W. Olson, Donald L. Kohn, Kevin M. Warsh, and Randall S. Kroszner all of whom are responsible for discount rate and reserve requirements. The responsibilities for discount rate policy are shared with the Federal Reserve Banks. In 1976, the Consumer Advisory Council, consisting of consumer and creditor representatives was established to advise the Board of Governors on consumer related issues. Before the appointment to the Board of Governors, Bernanke was one of President Bush's top economic advisers. He received his bachelor's degree in economics from Harvard and his PhD for MIT. He was a professor at Princeton University and chair of the Economic Department. As a member of the Federal Reserve Board, Bernanke is the first new Fed chairman in nearly two decades. The Federal Reserve Banks conduct research on the economy, supervise banks in their region, and provide financial services to banks and the United States government. They hold cash reserves for depository institutions and make loans to them; move currency and coins in and out of circulation; collect and process millions of checks daily; provide checking accounts for the Treasury; issue and redeem government securities; and are the fiscal agents for the United States government. The Federal Reserve Bank districts include: Atlanta, GA; Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; Cleveland, OH; Dallas, TX; Kansas City, MO; St. Louis, MO; Minneapolis, MN; New York, New York; St., Philadelphia, PA; Richmond, VA; and San Francisco, CA Simplistically speaking, monetary policy is used to control the cyclical fluctuations in the economy. It influences economy activities, by manipulating the supplies of money and credit, thus altering the federal funds rate. Using the three monetary tools - open market operations, discount rate, and reserve requirements, the Fed regulates the money supply. Each affects the amount of funds in the banking system. The open market operations are the purchases and sales of United States Treasury and federal agencies securities. When the Fed desires to increase reserves, it buys securities and to decrease reserve, it sells securities. Such transactions affect the amount of money and credit banks posses, which affects the interest rates and the performance of the United States economy. The discount rate is the interest charged to commercial banks and other depository institutions for loans they receive from their regional Federal Reserve Banks. When the discount rate increases the amount lending made by banks
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
IFRS (ADIDAS) VS. US GAAP( nike) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
IFRS (ADIDAS) VS. US GAAP( nike) - Essay Example The generic accounting principles include four types of financial statements: balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and retained earnings statement (Nikolai et al, 2009). The balance sheet is one of the core accounting documents produced for all business entities, which provide the financial position of a company, with details on its assets, liabilities and ownership equity, at any given point in time. The income statement is a reflection of the profit and loss details that the entity generated over a particular period of time. Reflecting the operation of the enterprise, profit and loss statements, a term commonly used to describe the income statement, include the revenue generated from sale and the expenses that are incurred over the reporting period used for the document. The cash flow statement is a report that details the various activities undertaken by an entity, linked to investing and financing. Lastly, the statement of retained earnings is a snapshot of the ch anges that have taken place in the earnings of the entity over the reporting period that is in place as part of the accounting policy. The objective of the financial statement is variable to the stakeholder utilising the information. Organizational owners and managers use financial statements as a resource to base strategic decisions on, by assessing the overall operational efficiency of the business. On the other hand, investors look into the reporting data as a way of judging the viability of the institution, especially in context of the security and benefit it would create for any investment. The government bodies would use institutional financial statements within their due diligence and auditing process, to ascertain the declarations made by the entity, especially in relation to taxes and duties (Ding et al, 2007). Furthermore, financial bodies use this form of organizational documentation to decide the security
Monday, November 18, 2019
Leadership Skills Needed for 21st Century Coursework
Leadership Skills Needed for 21st Century - Coursework Example Therefore new leadership skills are required for leaders which help them to handle those challenges. This case study highlights the views of famous leaders of some reputed companies regarding the leadership skills required for 21st century. Leadership skills play a vital role globalizing and enhancing different activities and processes of business. Oh-Hyun Kwon the Vice Chairman and CEO of Samsung has mentioned that leaders must upgrade their skills along with the changing business environment. According to Mr. Known, the modern world businesses are expanding globally at a very faster rate. Therefore, the business leaders must have broad mindset which will help them to act and think globally. The leaders need to have strong analytical skill. This will facilitate them to implement any decision in the complex business environment of 21st century. The firms of 21st century believe in innovations. Therefore, the leaders must have the skill to develop and establish unique products and services. This will contribute a lot in growth and development of the business (Bamberger and Meshoulam, 2000). In the present time the organizations have employees who belong from different cultural background. According to Oh-Hyun Kwon leaders should have the skills to embrace cultural diversity in the work place. They should extract good things fro m different cultures and motivate people to follow those things for reducing cultural gaps. The ability of strategic thinking is required for the leaders for enhancing the business processes. The leaders must develop different activities for helping the society and environment. For this reason they must have strong interpersonal skills which will help the leaders to establish connection with the people. The leaders need to have good communication power for enhancing the business process (Story and Barbuto, 2011). Strong communication will help them to provide knowledge to all organizational members. The
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Patient Centred Care in the NHS
Patient Centred Care in the NHS Introduction The NHS is a large multi-functioning health care service that deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours1. The NHS sets out to provide quality health care which include three important parts; Clinical efficiency, patient safety and patient experience2 . The need for even greater quality health care in the NHS saw a shift in focus towards a more patient centric NHS3. This is because they believe a patient centric care, care that encompasses the patients’ needs and values and allowing this to shape and guide all clinical decisions4, will allow for a better quality of health care. This essay will explore how patient centric the NHS really is in terms of the different departments it encompasses, policies, laws and overall patient satisfaction. It will also investigate whether there are certain areas that the NHS needs to improve in terms of patient centric care and exploring if this is the case how to do so. Departments The NHS is made up of many departments and collaborates with a wide range of organisations such as the National Institute for Health &. Clinical Excellence (NICE)5. The structure can be described as complex and can cause confusion for patients trying to access these services6. In addition the complex structure makes the health care provided by these, less efficient and effective in the health services they are providing; and brings about questions of who is really responsible for the care of the patients7-10 In 2014 the NHS released the Five Year Forward View2, which outlines planned improvements for various areas of the NHS. Since the five year forward view plan was released, there has been a focus of new models and an increased focus on integrated care7. This emphases a more holistic approach to health care and looks to encompass all services11. Integrated care sets out to bring together a range of services so that all aspects of the patients’ needs are more closely met11. One of the new care models, called Vanguards has been set up around the country12. Vanguards aims to trial new integrated care methods which were presented in the five year forward view. Some of these new integrated care methods include Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPS)13 and Accountability Care Systems (ACS)14. STPs are there to help organizations including GPs, hospitals, local authorities to work together and have unified services for the most vulnerable13. ACS’ have been developed to co-ordinate services under a set budget for organisations outside the NHS that impact health, this includes working with housing and social care organisations to create accountable care to assure that patients needs are being met7. Quality Surveillance groups (QSGs) identifies risks to patients in terms of quality and safety of the health care being received from the NHS and associated organisations acts as safeguarders15. This creates accountability for those providing health care services to the public. One individual organization within QSG is Care Quality Commission (CQCs). CQCs regulates the health and social care act, directly relating to patient centric care within the NHS as  regulation act 9 with this act says that providers must take action to make sure every individual has access to personal care treatment16. If this not being provided the CQC can take regulatory action, this provides further evidence that the NHS is patient centric as they are constantly monitoring the quality of patient care. Another QSG group is the clinical commission group (CCGs) this group, led by GPs commissions services on the behalf of the NHS, works to improve the health of the population in their area. CCGs are important because they allow the clinicians (GPs) that have knowledge on the needs of that particular area to provide the required healthcare services17. An example of this is the provision of integrated care within Oldham to provide a budget for vulnerable people to have fuel in the winter18. Although CCGs have been widely successful in terms of some of the services its commissioned, 19 one year after the creation of CCGs, a report commissioned by King’s Fund and Nuffield trust saw that less than half of GPs felt that CCGs reflects their views20. This report questions the patient centrism of CCGs as one of the reasons that CCGs are led by GPs is that they’ll have a better understanding of the patients’ needs in that area21, if GPs are not being consulted then this could also lead to less patient centered services. Furthermore, CCGs recently have had to make difficult decisions which have led protests from the public. One such decision is the closure of Accidents and Emergency’s across the country22. CCG have decided these  A &E’s are unsustainable and are creating a larger deficit than necessary23. This has led to dissatisfaction from the public and feeling like their voices in regard to this matter is not being heard 24 .This goes against patient centered care, which is there to involve the patient in every step of care1. However, this is only one issue, overall the CCGs are a step in the right direction toward a more patient focused health care services for the NHS. With further consideration of GPs and the public views the CCGs can become an effective tool for building a patient centric health system. Policies and Legislation There are several laws in place that are there to protect the patient but also to put the patient at the forefront of every clinical decision that is made in the NHS. The health and Social Care Act 201225 allowed for the patients to be more involved in their care on every level. It does this by allowing patients support to manage their health in their everyday lives, it also gives them control over the care that they are receiving and also treating each patient as an individual with an individual circumstance25. In addition, this Act allowed for the establishment of Healthwatch England which will provide crucial information to the CQC on the opinions of the patients using their service26. To a certain degree this has been successful as Healthwatch England has published 1450 reports as of 201627 and has worked with local health ministers and the public to implement the care that is wanted by the patient. They have also worked closely together with CQC to provide information on which health services in which area need to improve28. However, they have only engaged 385,000 people28 to find out their view. Although this seems like a large sample the total amount of outpatients the NHS had in 2015/2016 was 89.436 million people29 and so this is a relatively small sample of the people treated by the NHS views which are being heard and so those which have the most need for improvement in the health care services may not be heard. Other legislation which provides the case of a patient centric NHS includes the Social Value Act30, This encourages commissioners of public services to think about how the services will benefit the public. The use of the Social Value Act in policy and practice can only be clearly shown by 13% of the CCGsand 43% of CCGshad no policy or were in the process of making a policy on the Social Value Act31.To improve to become more patient centric, the Social Value Act could be implemented on a wide scale basis into main policy of NHS England but also within the framework of QGS`. In addition to the previous laws, The Equality Act32, which protects patients from discrimination and permits them to get quality health care, also helps a patient centered NHS. It Allows for every Citizen of England no matter their culture and values to have health care which is free and of quality. These legislations are designed to make the NHS patient centric through creating a patient- NHS relationship free of discrimination and allows for the patient’s values and opinions to be respected. Although there could be some improvement on the implementation such as making sure these laws are practiced this can be done by setting up accountability groups and incentives for healthcare professionals to provide better patient centered care, these laws go a long way in making the patient the focus of the NHS healthcare33 Patient Survey Patient experience has been seen as vital to the care provided by the NHS34. Listening and taking action on a patients’ feedback about their experiences of health care is seen as critical to making sure that care within the NHS is centered around the person35. patient reported information can be described as Information which comes from the patient or family and Carers as an account or through surveys36. There has been increase in the number of surveys carried out by the NHS but have found that GPs were resistant to feedback which was to do with the patient or was dismissive questioning the validity of the report37. However there have been positive reports on services attempting to improve due to feedback from Patients38. This Creates a more patient centered NHS as they are listening to the feedback and taking action to it, meaning the views and experiences of the patient are valued.  Conclusion To conclude, The NHS has had a shift in view towards a more patient centric NHS, this can be seen as widely successful due to the policies and legislation its placed but also different quality surveillance groups and the listening of patients’ feedback. Although some improvement could be made in terms of CCGs and a straight forward pathway for the patient, the NHS can be seen as patient centric. Reference List 1. Department of Health. Chief Executive’s report to the NHS: December 2005. 272002. Department of Health, 2005. 2. http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20080728140415/http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4124276. Accessed 26th October 2017 3. NHS. Next Steps On The NHS Five Year Forward View. 06669. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Coffee Crisis Essay -- BTEC Business Marketing GCSE Coursework
Coffee Crisis The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe , and the Economist as well as many other media outlets of record were all in consensus when they declared the onset of coffee crisis in October 2001; farmgate prices had sharply dropped reaching a thirty-year low of $0.39 per pound in This price was below the cost of coffee production at the time, listed at USD 0.60 per pound.(Economist 2001) Price declines are not such an uncommon occurrence, but what is more troubling is that the cash market for coffee suffers from high price volatility. For a more detailed look please see Appendix 1: Cash Price Variation. Coffee producers , who are mainly located in developing countries , are highly vulnerable to price risk in the cash market , yet their profits in relation to their risk exposure has been steadily declining. In a 2001 study conducted by the European Fair Trade Association (EFTA)- an organization that promotes the sale of products that ensure price security for marginalized commodity produ cers- the general finding was a declining share of trade revenues from coffee remained in the coffee producing countries. Although the international coffee market has grown from $30 billion annually in the 1980s to $55 billion in 2001, in aggregate coffee producers have seen their share drop from $10 billion to $7 billion in 2001 (Renkema 59). From the perspective of the small producer, their received cash prices have not always been this volatile and had been stable up until 1989 ;although the data does not fully support this. Please see Appendix 2) Measures of Volatility. A price regime devised in 1962 by the International Coffee Association setup an agreement between coffee producing countries and coffee consuming countries.... ...//www.nybot.org> Pennings, Joost M.E. Research in Agricultural Futures Markets: Past Present and Future. Presentation Paper: Wageningen Agricultural University: Netherlands. 8 June 2001. Renkema, David. (2001). ¡Ã‚ ± Chapter 4:Coffee:The Speculator ¡Ã‚ ¯s Plaything ¡Ã‚ ± Fair Trade Yearbook..European Fair Trade Association: Amsterdam. World Bank International Task Force on Commodity Risk Management in Developing Countries.  ¡Ã‚ °Dealing With Commodity Price Volatility In Developing Countries: A Proposal For A Market-Based Approach. ¡Ã‚ ± Discussion Paper for the Roundtable on Commodity Risk Management in Developing Countries. World Bank. Washington, DC: 24 September 1999. United Nation Commission on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Secretariat.  ¡Ã‚ °Farmers and Farmers Associations In Developing Countries And Their Use of Modern Financial Instruments. Geneva: 10 January 2002.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Is Fanthorpe an Effective Poet? Essay
UA Fanthorpe describes herself as, â€Å"a middle-aged drop out.†She was born in 1929 and is still alive today at the age of seventy-five. Today many people consider Fanthorpe to be one of the most accomplished poets ever. There are factors that lead to her success a poet. One of these factors is that, she viewed much more of the world than most people would view in a life time. She found out first hand what a teacher’s life was like, and also saw what it was like to work in a hospital. It was always her ambition as she was growing up to be a writer; she finally became what she wanted at the age of forty nine when her first piece of poetry was published. Fanthorpe feels poetry is not meant to, â€Å"Attract money or publicity.†She believes poetry is supposed to â€Å"stay honest and independent†. Poetry â€Å"can’t do more,†than stay honest and independent â€Å"because it hasn’t the status†of other forms of writing. â€Å"All a poet can do is warn†, which is what Fanthorpe, does powerfully. Over her life time she has written a number of successful poems, for instance, â€Å"Not My Best Side,†and â€Å"Half-Past Two,†and a variety of other remarkable poems. In my eyes, the two poems that she wrote which demonstrate her skills most effectively are, â€Å"Not My Best Side,†and â€Å"You Will Be Hearing From Us Shortly.†Both these poems display her skilful talent in using the other voice, along with creating a large amount of emotion. In the poem â€Å"Not My Best Side,†the reader perceives her skill in using the other voice, by creating the different voices for the Dragon, the Maiden, and the Knight. She portrays the dragons’ emotions as a wounded gentleman, discouraged because his â€Å"victim was so unattractive as to be inedible†The dragon is displayed very much against the stereotype of itself. She presents him as an intelligent young man who is more worried about his image and appearance than anything else. When having his portrait painted, the artist â€Å"did not give him a chance to pose properly.†He was upset because the painter â€Å"left off two of his feet.†The dragon, commenting on his death, says, â€Å"I should have liked a bit more blood†This understatement contradicts the violent reputation of a dragon, making the poem like an amusing fairy tale in that the dragon knows he will rise again. Fanthorpe depicts the princess as a small, chatty, plain yet slightly pretty woman. She in addition to the dragon does not fit the stereotype of a princess in distress. Instead of wanting to be rescued by the noble knight, â€Å"to be honest, I didn’t much fancy him.†â€Å"I quite took to the dragon.†St. George, who is known in other poems as a heroic knight who rescues the princess and carries her away to marry her, living happily ever after, is revealed as being â€Å"ostentatiously beardless†, and the princess worries that he may â€Å"have acne, or blackheads, or bad breath†. He thinks very highly of his armour, his horse, and himself. The author destroys the stereotype view of all the characters in the tale of St. George slaying the dragon. Instead of being the noble knight, he appears as a male chauvinist, whilst the princess, instead of being helpless, is an opinionated girl who speaks her own mind. Fanthorpe also frequently creates humour in the poem, for example when the princess says, â€Å"that green sexy tail†â€Å"You Will Be Hearing From Us Shortly,†is another show of why she is such a successful poet today. There is a great deal of skill involved in creating this masterpiece. Whilst the voice of the interviewer is the only one she uses, in contrast to â€Å"Not My Best Side†, she still makes it possible for the reader to understand and follow the poem. She causes the reader to dislike the arrogant personnel officer, and to feel sympathetic towards the man whom is being interrogated. Fanthorpe likes to open poems with a sentence that gets the reader’s attention immediately, and causes an interest in the character. â€Å"Once upon a school time, he did Something Very Wrong†, causes the reader to wonder what he did, in the poem â€Å"Half-past Two.†â€Å"Do you feel adequate to the demands of this position?†is a line which certainly would not make the interviewee at ease and relaxed, but creates tension, again causing the reader to wonder what will happen next. Although the reader cannot know what answers the interviewee gives during his interview, he still finds out many facts about him, which leads the reader to feel compassion and empathy towards him. We see the age of the man in a very subtle way. The interviewer is not impressed by the age of the interviewee: he wanted someone, â€Å"†¦with precisely the right amount of immaturity.†This little passage shows that the person that was being interviewed was too old for the job. At first we see the interviewer as a polite and concerned man, but as we near the middle of the poem we see that he is quite the opposite. An inappropriate remark that the interviewee makes is on the looks of the person that is being interviewed. They interviewer had just said something about looks being a delicate matter when he brings it up just in more detail, â€Å"You do appreciate this work involves contact with the actual public.†This shows that the interviewer not keen on the appearance of the person that is being interviewed. The point Fanthorpe makes very well is that the proud, pompous interviewer prejudges the man seeking employment. He criticizes his looks, accent, background, age, and number of children; not giving him a fair interview based on his qualifications. There are no major weak points in the style of Fanthorpe’s poetry. Not only does she display her use of the other voice, but she also creates humour and makes her views on society today known. This is also shown in â€Å"Dear Mr Lee†, in which the student loves reading, but fails exams, because she disagrees with the exam board, and cannot meet their expectations. Fanthorpe creates ample amounts of emotion and feeling in all her poems as we covered briefly. Her poems are written in an irregular form, with no rhyme scheme, yet her exceptional use of words makes her poetry very interesting.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Christian and Hopeful’s escape from Doubting Castle Essay
Write a critical analysis of the extract (Christian and Hopeful’s escape from Doubting Castle) discussing the characteristic features of Bunyan’s Style. Bunyan uses allegory and symbolism throughout Part one. This symbolism is used very effectively in this extract; we can see the powerful images that relate to the spiritual nature of the characters. Doubt is powerful and Bunyan emphasises the danger and trappings of doubt through dramatic phraseology and strong physical images: ‘A very dark Dungeon, nasty and stinking to the Spirit of these two men.’ Bunyan’s dramatization of these events reflects also on the escape from the castle. Bunyan epitomises the ultimate despair in order to generate the joy and delight produced in the escape. This allows the reader to view the hope and joy that is present in the promises of God: ‘there to condole their misery, and to mourn under their distress.’ ‘And the door flew open with ease, and Christian and Hopeful both came out†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Bunyan also implements the use of dynamic verbs such as ‘flew’ this makes the reader aware of the ease with which doubt is broken. The discovery of the key of promise, which frees Christian and Hopeful from Doubting Castle; shows the reader the hope that remains even in the toughest of situations. Bunyan tries to make the reader aware of the danger of doubt through symbolism. This allows the reader to be cautious of doubt in his or her own life. This is typical of Bunyan, as his work tends to guide to correction, encourage and to issue caution: ‘ That’s good news, good brother, pluck it out of thy bosom and try.’ Christian’s realisation of foolishness has the effect of reinforcing the promise of Hope. Bunyan’s representation of this in the form of a speech allows Christian to persuade the reader to correct their foolish ways: ‘What a Fool, quoth he, am I, thus to lie in a stinking dungeon, when I may as well walk at liberty?’ Bunyan’s use of rhetorical questioning through Christian’s speech have the effect of encouraging the reader to question themselves. They also challenge the institution of doubt. Throughout part one we see the use of dialogue to encourage or reassure the characters. In this extract we can also view this as Hopeful speaks to Christian and questions his doubt over the situation: ‘; My brother, said he, rememberest thou not how valiant thou hast been heretofore?’ This has the effect of not only giving reassurance and encouragement to the characters but also to the reader. The use of pausing ensures that it is well understood. Bunyan uses imagery to create Giant Despair, ‘a large and imposing figure’ this has the effect of showing the powerful and controlling nature of doubt. However Bunyan also recreates the image of the giant to facilitate the ideas and concepts he wishes. As the escape progresses the reader sees that the large and powerful image is not all that is seems and indeed it eventually leads to its own downfall. Bunyan uses this situation to warn and encourage the reader. It allows them to see that even though trials engulf they never actually succeed. ‘Giant Despair, who, hastily rising to pursue his prisoners, felt his limbs to fail, for his fits took him again, so he could by no means go after them.’ Bunyan uses the Giant’s wife, Mrs Diffidence, to show the lack of direction that doubt has. It is created by the person and has no power. This has the effect of showing the reader that there is nothing that is worth doubt – it is a formality and should be regarded as such. This dramatic characterisation helps to indicate that hope is important and in the setting of this journey it is hope that eventually conquers the situation. Bunyan shows the despondency and discouraging nature of the castle through Hopeful’s speech however he also corrects their self-indulgence later in the speech with desire for patience and reliance on God from Hopeful: ‘†¦Also cut off the bread and water from my mouth, and with thee I mourn the light. But let us exercise a little more patience; remember†¦.’. The use of such dialogue relates also with Bunyan’s reliance on the bible as these descriptions may have also linked with the spiritual needs of a Christian. Bunyan uses the very low nature and despair created by doubt and allows the reader to see that hope was always present even if it was not always obvious to the characters. Bunyan’s use of dialogue extends beyond the pilgrims to the Giant and his wife, Mrs Diffidence. ‘Then he asked her also what he had best to do further to them. So she asked him what they were, whence they came, and whither they were bound; and he told her. Then she counselled him that when he arose in the morning he should beat them without any mercy’. This gives insight to the reader and creates dramatic irony, as the reader is aware of the weakness of the trials. One of Bunyan’s aims when writing The Pilgrim’s Progress was the instruction of Christians and throughout this extract we can see the encouragement and warnings that he provides and the way in which his writing reflects the authorial intention of the didactic purpose. Hopeful relates the experience of doubting castle to some of the earlier events in the book such as; the meeting with Apollyon and the valley of the Shadow of death. This has the effect of providing a link between the episodes of the dream, it helps to emphasise the representation of a journey and creates a development within the characters. Bunyan combines many different techniques and forms in the extract but the most effective of these is the dialogue between the pilgrims and also between their tormentors. ‘Then, with a grim and surly voice, he bid them awake; and asked them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds. They told him they were pilgrims, and that they had lost their way.’ This speech allows the reader to be aware of the characters thoughts and emotions; and to immediately identify the characters’ motives. This also has the effect of furthering Bunyan’s didactic purpose. The combination of the many effects within The Pilgrim’s Progress allows it to be enjoyable to all and make it still appreciated from a literary perspective.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
House Centipedes, Scutigera coleoptrata
House Centipedes, Scutigera coleoptrata Put down that newspaper! House centipedes look like spiders on steroids, and your first reaction to seeing one might be to kill it. But scary as it may seem, the house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata, is really quite harmless. And if youve got other pests in your home, its actually doing some good. What Do House Centipedes Look Like? Even people who appreciate bugs can be startled by a house centipede. A fully grown adult may reach 1.5 inches in body length, but its many long legs make it appear much larger. The last pair of legs on a female house centipede is elongated and may be twice as long as the body. The house centipede is light yellow-brown in color, with three dark longitudinal stripes down its body. Its legs are marked with alternating bands of light and dark. House centipedes also have large compound eyes, which is unusual for centipedes. Although the house centipede does possess venom, it rarely bites anything larger than itself. If you are bitten by Scutigera coleoptrata, you arent likely to suffer much pain. Do take care to clean the wound to prevent a secondary infection. How Are House Centipedes Classified? Kingdom - AnimaliaPhylum - ArthropodaClass - ChilopodaOrder - ScutigeromorphaFamily - ScutigeridaeGenus - ScutigeraSpecies - coleoptrata What Do House Centipedes Eat? House centipedes are skilled hunters that prey on insects and other arthropods. Like all centipedes, their front legs are modified into poison claws used to inject venom into their prey. Within your home, they provide efficient (and free) pest control services for you, as they feed on silverfish, firebrats, cockroaches, carpet beetles, and other household pests. The House Centipede Life Cycle Female house centipedes can live as long as 3 years and produce between 35 and 150 eggs during their lifetimes. The first instar larvae have only four pairs of legs. Larvae progress through 6 instars, gaining legs with each molt. Although it has its full complement of 15 pairs of legs, the immature house centipede will then molt 4 more times to reach adulthood. Interesting Behaviors ofHouse Centipedes The centipede makes good use of its long legs. It can run at alarming speeds –the equivalent of over 40 mph in human terms. It stops and starts quickly, which can make even the most diehard arthropod enthusiast squeal with fright. This athleticism isnt meant to scare you, though, the house centipede is simply well-equipped to pursue and catch prey. Just as their speed helps them capture prey, it also enables the centipede to escape predators. If a predator does manage to grab a leg, the house centipede can shed the limb and flee. Strangely, the house centipedes detached leg will continue to move for several minutes after its owner has left the scene. House centipedes continue to molt as adults and will regenerate lost limbs when they do. Where DoHouse Centipedes Live? Whether it lives outdoors or in, the house centipede prefers cool, damp, and dark locations. In a natural habitat, it can be found hiding under leaf litter or hidden in shady crevices in rocks or tree bark. In human dwellings, house centipedes often inhabit basements and bathrooms. In northern climates, house centipedes remain indoors during cold months but may be seen outside from spring to fall. The house centipede is thought to be native to the Mediterranean region, but Scutigera coleoptrata Is now well-established throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. Sources: House Centipedes, Entomology Dept., Penn State University. Accessed online June 3, 2014.Species Scutigera coleoptrata - House Centipede, Bugguide.net. Accessed online June 3, 2014.House Centipedes on the Move, Whats Bugging You?, Dr. Arthur Evans. Accessed online
Monday, November 4, 2019
Approach to Contempory Chinese studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Approach to Contempory Chinese studies - Essay Example However, there have been skeptics from certain quarters, questioning the sustainability of China’s growth and her ability to surpass the United States of America as a superpower by the year 2050. Some have indicated that the economy of China s set to decline and falter given the fact that the country is marred with much corruption. These critics have pointed to the fact the China is governed by one party, lacks checks and balances and that the freedom of the media is not observed. In this aspect, it has been noted that such a country is not poised to prosper and flourish in the modern world. Also, China continues to position herself as a country to reckon with, and one that is set to topple the other super powers and reach the top. This aspect has been exhibits in the nation’s capture of top prizes and accolades. Among these accolades include America’s prominent intellectuals and receipt of six Nobel prizes awarded to the country (Central Intelligence Agency, 199 3). China’s journey to becoming a super power is coined mainly in its economic muscles. The production of China has increased thanks to three years of Communism in the country by 1970s. This increase has, however, not been a smooth one as the country had to grapple with the death of about 35 million people dying of hunger during the devastating famine that hit the country in the years 1958 and 1978. This famine was as a result of forced industrialization by the Mao reign. China saw its population grow rapidly during this era, and there was a slight improvement in the standard of life in the country. Chinas threat to America has further been characterized by the steady growth of its economy and a reduction in population. This rapid growth was achieved three decades to 2010. China’s economic achievements were rated to be among the most amazing ones in the history of human species (Economist Intelligence Unit, 1995). The economy grew to over 40- fold between the years
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Society violence in the Public School Research Paper
Society violence in the Public School - Research Paper Example ("Public Schools: New Violence Against Teachers - TIME.") However, it must be understood that this violence is coming from a source – many children attending public schools grow up in unsafe environment and face conflicts at home with their parents. Nurturing children in unstable atmospheres leads them to believe in the fact that violence is the answer to everything in life and thus they take up such measures in order to have their voices heard. Most teachers state that it is the parents who are to blame. This statement stands true because most parents of such children have problems of their own and often include their children in the fights that they have which leave them scarred. Children of divorced parents might be subject to violent behaviour at home and that frustration comes out on other people because the kids think that it is alright to behave like their parents have been. Adolescence is the time when children learn the quickest and act with even greater haste and thus if their emotions are left immature during this period, then they are bound to take up violent means. Many children spend their time on the streets with gangs of people inflicted by drugs and other substances. Children learn the art of using these substances at an early age and this causes their behaviour to differentiate from others. They often fall prey to peer pressure and take up violent methods just in order to be accepted by certain people. (Be aton, Hellman) Children learn from what they see, may it be their parents fighting at home or even television programs and violent video games. It is the duty of the parents to ensure that children do not watch things that are not meant for them. It also a parent’s duty to provide a sheltered and strong environment for their children so that they grow up to be civilized and mature human beings. The psyche of a child gets affected by watching war movies, action
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Financial Markets Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Financial Markets Assignment - Essay Example He classified it into three levels based on the definition of available information: weak, semi-strong and strong forms. He further suggested three models for testing market efficiency: the Fair Game model, the Submartingale model, and the Random Walk model. The weak form of EMH attracted all the attention of empirical research in both developed and emerging markets results. This is because if evidence fails to support the weak-from of EMH, stricter forms of EMH would consequently fail (Wong and Kwong, 1984). The weak form of EMH considers a market to be efficient if information contained in past prices is already reflected in current market prices. Information from historical prices would not enable market traders to make superior returns as this information is already accounted for in current prices. The semi-strong form of EMH considers a market to be efficient only if current market prices reflect all publicly available information, such as information on interest rates, dividends announcements, quarter and annual earnings, etc. Thus market traders would not make superior returns from analysis of market information because market prices will immediately adjust to new news. If all market information is immediately reflected in market prices, even private information (inside information) and market participants could not benefit from such knowledge, the market is referred to as strong form of EMH. This assumes that the cost of inside information is zero. This assumption does not exist in reality and thus the strong form of EMH is not likely to hold. Statistical Testing of EMH: The efficient market hypothesis was tested by a number o f statistical test such as autocorrelation, runs test and variance ratio tests. Data: The data used to test for weak form EMH was collected from Yahoo Finance (2008). Historical daily prices for British Petroleum from the British Stock Market were collected 1st of January 2003 to 3rd of November, 2008. This data contains opening price, daily high, daily low, closing price, daily traded volume, and an adjusted close price. Data representing the market is represented by the FTSE 100 British index. FTSE 100 is an index of the largest 100 firms in the UK based on market capitalization. Historical daily prices for FTSE 100 were collected from 1st of January 2003 to 3rd of November, 2008 from yahoo (2008). Daily return is computed by using the following equation: Return (rt) = closing price at any day (pt) - closing price at day before (pt-1) A natural logarithmic transformation is performed on all data of BP and FTSE 100. Daily returns are computed by using the following equation: Return (rt) = closing price at any day (pt) - closing price at day before (pt-1) To generate a time series of continuously compounded returns, daily returns are computed as follows: rt = log (pt) - log (pt-1) = log (pt/pt-1) Where return at some day: rt Closing Price at day (t): pt Closing price at day
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
This is Dead Ringer by Dennis Hamley Essay Example for Free
This is Dead Ringer by Dennis Hamley Essay Giles Conover also disguises himself as a cleaner and a scholar of great age. Naomi Drake disguises herself as a match seller, shop assistant and one who washes up. The atmosphere throughout the film is sinister and clouded due to special effects and the black-and-white photography. The use of light and shade is great and adds tension to the audience and this is great for a movie of this age. And also when the Creeper moves there is a sound track that is very scary and this gives a feeling of; Something is going to happen for sure. I cannot miss this. It grabs attention!!! My favourite scene was when the Creeper broke the back of Giles Conover and then tried to kill Sherlock Holmes. We see the Creepers face for the first time and he is hideously ugly. Of course Sherlock Holmes kills him, with a snub-nose Bulldog revolver. Holmes then smashes the final bust of Napoleon and recovers the valuable Borgia pearl. This was an exciting and dramatic ending to the film. Dr Watsons comic acting was humorous. When he hid the pearl in his mouth for protection of the precious stone it was amusing because no one noticed where it had gone. The original story, The Adventure of the Six Napoleons, did not have the Hoxton Creeper in it. Beppo is the killer in the original story but using Rondo Hatton as the Creeper was brilliant idea by the film studio and made people even more interested in the movie. I feel The Pearl of Death was a success basically because of the impression that was given by the Creeper. In The Scarlet Claw, another film starring Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes, disguise is also used. The murderer is a master of disguise and uses five disguises, including that of a woman! The postman called Potts, who is the murderer, dresses up as Judge Brissons maid and tears out the judges throat with a garden weeder. This is the weapon he uses to kill all his victims. The film is set in Canada in the lonely village of Le Mort Rouge. The setting is misty and creepy. There is a marsh next to the village where Sherlock Holmes chases the murderer, but does not catch him. This is a vivid scene which I enjoyed. In the end though, Holmes foils the villain who is a mass murderer and master of disguise. Miles Mander plays two roles that are very different in the two films I have watched. Firstly, he acts as a villain on the loose: Giles Conover, and then he acts as a man totally scared and out of his wits: Judge Brisson. I like his role as Conover; it suits him because he looks a very mean man who will do anything for his needs. To conclude, I have enjoyed these films. But I was not scared by them. My English teacher says the Creeper is very scary but I think differently. I believe Rondo Hatton would have been scary to those watching in the cinemas half a century back. I think these films are not scary to a modern audience because there are far scarier horror films these days due to modern technology and special effects. I personally feel Basil Rathbone is an excellent actor; he was very good for the era he was in. I feel more tension is needed to make it up to the scratch of standard films today. I feel that some of the characters are too one dimensional and they need a little bit more feeling in their acting, but still the camera work is excellent for a film of this age. The films seem very old fashioned. I think improvements are needed to make them a bit more modern. There is fog, a lonely marsh, a bell ringing, and a monster on the loose. This creates a creepy, sinister atmosphere. But this gives me an impression that these were stories of many ages back. These days films are more interesting but these films are ace because of their many turns and twists. 1125 words Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Concepts And Technology Of Data Etl Computer Science Essay
Concepts And Technology Of Data Etl Computer Science Essay Extraction-Transformation-Loading (ETL) is the process of moving data flow various sources into a data warehouse. In this research we will analyze the concept of ETL and illustrating using example of Microsoft SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) as the basis of the research. Explanation on specific steps will be show in the research such as (a) Extracting Data From one or more external data source. (b) Transforming Data Ensure consistency and satisfy business requirements and (c) Loading Data To the resultant Data Warehouse. In depth analysis on Microsoft SSIS tools which supporting ETL process are including in the research for instance: (a) Data Flow Engine, (b) Scripting Environment and (c) Data Profiler. Key Words: ETL process, Microsoft SQL Server Integration, SSIS. 1. Introduction ETL is the most important process in a Business Intelligent (BI) project [1]. When international companies such as Toyota want to reallocate resources, the resources must be reallocated wisely. Consolidate data to useful information from multi regions such as Japan, US, UK and etc is difficult in many reasons including overlapping and inconsistency relationship among the region company. For example, the method of storing a name is different between the companies, in Japan its store as T.Yoon Wah, in US: Yoon Wah Thoo and UK is storing as YW.Thoo. When data is being combining to generate useful information, this may lead to inconsistent of data. In order to solve the problem, we need to use star schema/snowflake schema data warehouse takes the data from many transactional system, and copy the data into a common format with the completely different relational database design than a transactional system containing many star schema configuration. [7]. Performing the task associated with moving, correcting and transforming the data from transaction system to star schema data warehouse, it is called Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL). ETL allows migrating data from relational database into data warehouse and enable to convert the various format and types to one consistent system. It is a common use for data warehousing, where regular updates from one or more systems are merged and refined so that analysis can be done using more specialized tools. Typically the same process is run over and over, as new data appears in the source application [2]. The ETL process consists of the following steps: [3] 1. Import data from various data sources into the staging area. 2. Cleanse data from inconsistencies (could be either automated or manual effort). 3. Ensure that row counts of imported data in the staging area match the counts in the original data source. 4. Load data from the staging area into the dimensional model. 2. In-depth research on ETL In Fig. 1, we abstractly describe the general framework for ETL processes. In the bottom layer we depict the data stores that are involved in the overall process. On the left side, we can observe the original data providers (typically, relational databases and files). The data from these sources are extracted (as shown in the upper left part of Fig. 1) by extraction routines, which provide either complete snapshots or differentials of the data sources. Then, these data are propagated to the Data Staging Area (DSA) where they are transformed and cleaned before being loaded to the data warehouse. The data warehouse is depicted in the right part of Fig. 1 and comprises the target data stores, i.e., fact tables and dimension tables. [4] 2.1 Extraction The extraction part will gathering the data from several resources and do analysis and cleaning data. Analyzing part will be getting raw data that was written directly into the disk, data written to float file or relational tables from structured system. Data can be read multiple times if needed in order to achieve consistency. Cleansing data will be done in extraction part either. The process will be eliminating duplicate or fragmented data and excluding the unwanted or unneeded information. The next step will move forward to transformation part. In Microsoft SSIS, we could use the tools in the Data Flow control which is called Integration Service Source in order to retrieve sources from several formats with connection manager. The source format is various such as OLE DB, Flat file, ADO NET source, Raw Files source and etc [11]. 2.2 Transformation The Transformation step might be the most complex part in the ETL process because it might be consist of much data processing during this step. The transformation part is to prepare the data to be store in the data warehouse. Converting the data such as changing data types and length, combining data, verification and standardize the data will be done in transformation part. Using SSIS, it provides plenty of transformation tools to help developer to achieve their target. There are categorized Transformation in SSIS to allow designer developing their project: Business Intelligence, Row Transformation, Row set, Split and Join Transformation, Auditing Transformation, and Custom Transformation. For instance which commonly use in ETL process are : Data Conversion Transformation Converts the data type of a column to a different data type , Conditional Split Transformation routes data rows to different outputs. More Transformation example can be found in SQL MSDN at [10]. 2.3 Loading The Loading step is the final step of the ETL process; it uses to store generated data into the data warehouse. The loading step can follow the star schema [5] or snowflake schema [6] in order to achieve data consolidation [7]. Implementing in SSIS will be using Integration Service Destination its similar with the Integration Service Source, using connection manager to choose one or more data destination to load the output. [12] 3. Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services ETL tools are created for developer to plan, configure and handle ETL process. With tools that develop by Microsoft, developer has now has the ability to more easily automate the importing and transformation data from many system across the state. The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 which assist to automate the ETL process, its call SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS). This tool is design to deal with common issues with ETL process. We will build up the research paper from ground-up base on studying the ELT tools that build by Microsoft which is SSIS. 3.1 SSIS Architecture In fig 2 shows the overview of the SSIS architecture. SSIS is a component of SQL Server 2005/2008, it able to design ETL process from scratch to automate the process with many supportive tools such as database engine, Reporting services, Analysis services and etc. SISS has segregated the Data Flow Engine from the Control Flow Engine or SSIS Runtime Engine, designed to achieve a high degree of parallelism and improve the overall performance. Figure 2: Overview of SSIS architecture. The SSIS will be consisting of two main components as listed down below: SSIS Runtime Engine The SSIS runtime engine manage the overall control flow of a package. It contains the layout of packages, runs packages and provides support for breakpoints, logging, configuration, connections and transactions. The run-time engine is a parallel control flow engine that locates the execution of tasks or units of work within SSIS and manages the engine threads that carry out those tasks. The SSIS runtime engine will performs the tasks inside a package in a traditional method. When the runtime engine meets a data flow task in a package during execution it will creates a data flow pipeline and lets that data flow task run in the pipeline. [9] SSIS Data Flow Engine SSIS Data Flow Engine handles the flow of data from data sources, thru transformations, and destination. When the Data Flow task executes, the SSIS data flow engine extracts data from data sources, runs any necessary transformations on the extracted data and then generate the data to one or more destinations. The architecture of Data flow engine is buffer oriented, Data flow engine pulls data from the source and stores it in a memory and does the transformation in buffer itself rather than processing on a row-by-row basis. The benefit of this in-buffer processing is that processing is much quicker as there is not necessary to copy the data physically at every step of the data integration; the data flow engine processes data as it is transferred from source to destination. [9] We enable to do ETL practical in the Data Flow Task which can be found in the fig 2. Extract data from several sources, transform and manipulate the data, and load it into one or more destination. 3.1.1 Data Flow Engine Regarding the SSIS Data Flow Engine mentioned previously, here to discuss about how it is related with the process ETL with Data Flow Elements. SSIS consisting three different types of data flow components: sources, transformations, and destinations. Sources extract data from data stores such as relational tables and views in files, relational databases, and Analysis Services databases as the Extraction in ETL process. Transformations modify, summarize, and clean data. Destinations load data into data stores or create in-memory datasets as the Loading process in ETL. Plus, SSIS provides paths that connect the output of one component to the input of another component. Paths will definite the sequence of components, and allow user add labels to the data flow or view the source of the column. Figure 3: Data Flow Elements Figure 3 shows a data flow that has a source, a transformation with one input and one output, and a destination. The diagram includes the inputs, outputs, and error outputs in addition to the input, output, and external columns. Sources, in SSIS a source are the data flow component that generates data from several different external data sources. In a data flow, source normally has one. The regular output has output columns, which are columns the source adds to the data flow. An error output for a source has the same columns as the regular output, contains two extra columns that provide information about errors either. SSIS object model does not limit the number of normal outputs and error outputs that sources can contain. Most of the sources that SSIS includes, except the Script component, consisting one regular output, and many of the sources have one error output. Custom sources can be coded to implement multiple regular outputs and error outputs. All the output columns are available as input columns to the next data flow component in the data flow. Transformations, the possibility of transformations are infinite and vary wide. Transformations can execute tasks such as updating, summarizing, cleaning, merging, and distributing data. In and outputs of a transformation define the columns of incoming and outgoing data. Depends the operation runs on the data, some transformations have individual input and several outputs, while other transformations have several inputs and a output. Transformations can include error outputs either, which give data about the error that occurred, combine with the data that failed: for instance, string data that could not be converted to a date data type. Below are showing some built-in transformations: Derived Column Transformation creates new column values by applying expressions to transformation input columns. The output can be inserted into an existing column as a replacement value or added as a new column. Lookup Transformation execute lookups by joining data in input columns with columns in a reference dataset. Typically used in a case when working with a subset of master data set and seeking related transaction records. Union All Transformation aggregates multiple inputs and gives UNION ALL to the multiple result-sets. Merge Transformation aggregates two sorted datasets into an individual sorted dataset; is similar to the Union All transformations. Use the Union All transformation instead of the Merge transformation in case if the inputs are not sorted, the result does not need to be sorted or the transformation has more than two inputs. Merge Join Transformation supply an output that is created by joining two sorted datasets using either a FULL, LEFT, or INNER joins. Conditional Split Transformation route data rows to different outputs depending on the content of the data. The implementation of the Conditional Split transformation is similar to a IF-ELSE decision structure in a programming language. The transformation understanding expressions, and based on the results, directs the data row to the specified output. It has a default output, so if a row matches no expression it is directed to the default output. Multicast Transformation distributes its input to one or more outputs. This transformation is similar to the Conditional Split transformation. Both transformations direct an input to multiple outputs. The difference is that the Multicast transformation directs every row to every output, and the Conditional Split directs a row to a single output.[18] Destinations, a destination is the data flow component that writes the data from a data flow to a specific data store, or creates an in-memory dataset. SSIS destination must at least have one input. The input contains input columns, which come from another data flow component. The input columns will be map to columns in the destination. [17] 31.1.1 Example of Data Flow Task Here to presenting the example to create a simple data flow task a.k.a. ETL process. First thing, drag the Data Flow task from the toolbox into Control Flow. 3.1.2 Scripting Environment If all the build-in tasks and transformation doesnt meets the developer needs, SSIS Script task/Script Component to code the functions that developer desire to perform. By clicking the Design Scriptà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ button in the Script Task Editor, it is able to open a Visual Studio for Application to code the function. [19] That is improvement in scripting environment between SSIS 2005 and 2008. In SSIS 2005, you can find double click on Script Task and Script Task Editor will be appears. The Script language of SSIS 2005 is only for Microsoft Visual Basic .Net but in SSIS 2008, it is able to choose C# or VB.net. Figure: Visual Studio for Application (VSA)  Script task usually used for the following purposes: Achieve desire task by using other technologies that are not supported by built-in connection types. Generate a task-specific performance counter. For instance, a script can create a performance counter that is updated while a complex or poorly performing task runs. Point out whether specified files are empty or how many rows they contain, and then based on that information affect the control flow in a package. For example, if a file contains zero rows, the value of a variable set to 0, and a precedence constraint that evaluates the value prevents a File System task from copying the file. [20] 3.1.3 Data Profiler. The purpose of data profiling is to approach defining data quality. A data profile is a collection of combination statistics about data that may consist the value of rows in the Customer table, the number of distinct values in the Street column, the number of null or missing values in the Name column, the distribution of values in the Country column, the strength of the functional dependency of the Street column on the Name column-that is, the Street should always be the same for a given name value etc. [16] SQL Server 2008 SSIS introduces the Data Profiling task in its toolbox, providing data profiling functionality inside the process of extracting, transforming, and loading data. By using the Data Profiling task, analysis of source data can be perform more efficiently, better understanding of source data and avoid data quality problems before load into the data warehouse. Outcome of this analysis generate XML reports that can be saved to an SSIS variable or a file that can be examine using the Data Profile Viewer tool. Data quality assessments can be performed on an ad hoc basis, the data quality process can also be automated by integrating quality assessment into the ETL process itself. [13] Example of Data Profiling Task Using Adventure Works Database: After drag the Data Profiling Task into the Control Flow, double click it to enter properties window to do configuration. The Data profiling Task required connection manager in order to works. In properties menu, user chooses destination type in file destination or variable. Faster way to build profile using quick profile feature: Figure 4: Single Task Quick Profile Form The Data Profiling Task can compute eight different data profiles. Five of these profiles analyze individual columns, and the remaining three analyze multiple columns or relationships between columns and tables; for more details about each profile refer to MSDN. [16] Few examples are made to explain further about Data Profiling: Figure 5: Editing the Data Profiling Task After done mapping the destination and other properties, run the package. Figure 6: Data Profiling Task Successfully Executed The Task successfully executed (Green), now need to use data profiler viewer to view the result. Data Profile Viewer is stand-alone tool which is used to view and analyze the result of profiling. It uses multiple panes to display the profiles requested and the computed results, with optional details and drilldown capability. [16] Column Value Distribution Profile: Used to obtain number of distinct value of a table. Figure 7: Result of Column Value Distribution Profile. Column Null Ratio Profile: Obtain the null column of the table. Figure 8: Result of Column Null Ratio Profile. Column Statistic Profile: Obtain the Min, Max, Means and Deviation of a table. Figure 9: Result of Column Statistic Profile. Column Pattern Profile: Obtain the pattern value of the column. Figure 10: Result of Column Pattern Profile. 3.3
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