Saturday, August 31, 2019
Building shelf management system
Introduction to the undertakingManagement system means the methods by which an administration programs, operates, and controls its activities to run into its ends and aims by using the resources of money, people, equipment stuffs and information. Management information systems are used by companies to assist maintain them more organized in certain parts of concerns. For illustration, companies use databases as a manner or hive awaying information as it helps them to entree informations more rapidly and remain more organized. It is better than holding a paper-based system where relevant information can be lost or read falsely. Besides with paper-based systems, they take up a batch of room as you need a topographic point to hive away it all, for illustration, a filing cabinet. The undertaking I have decided to make will affect me analyzing, planing, and implementing a stock database system for warehouse operations in a little concern. In future this database could be used by other little concern companies as good. The company that I have decided to utilize is Biring ‘s News, which I have been working for over 4 old ages. The database will enable the company to pull off their stock that comes in and out of the warehouse. The ground I have chosen to make this company is due to the fact that I have been working at that place for such a long clip. I ‘ve learnt about how the concern itself runs and have seen jobs occur and become resolved or need to be resolved throughout the clip I have been at that place. Biring ‘s News has a concatenation of newsdealers which are based over Kent and London. The proprietors of the concern are ever either opening more stores in new locations or shuting them down in others. It would be utile for the company to hold a system that shows them how the stock is being managed, what is selling good and what is non.Background of the CompanyBiring ‘s News is owned by Jasbir Biring. They own a concatenation of newsdealers which are located in Kent and London. The stores are all situated within shopping Centres like Bluewater Shopping Centre and Westfield Shopping Centre. They sell a scope of stock such as, Sweets, drinks, magazines, coffin nails and newspapers. Biring ‘s News opened there first store in Lakeside shopping Centre, 1989, which was a great success and led them to open more and subdivision out towards London. In entire, the company has opened up to 8 newsdealers since 1989, some are still running and others have been sold on. At the minute, the company has one chief warehouse where all the stock is kept for all of Mr Biring ‘s stores ; so workers are ever in and out taking what they need when they want. The job with this is that there is no record of good coming in and good coming out, so there is no record of what points are low in stock and what points there are excessively much of. The result of this is that the director has jobs with stock that is non selling really good which leads to him holding excessively much in the warehouse which can besides so go out of day of the month, so he is losing out on money. Another job that would happen is that he may run low on stock that is high in demand ; therefore he will be losing out on gross revenues. The company besides have a concatenation of providers that they use. They use the same provider for magazines and newspapers as they receive that stock automatically on a day-to-day footing. When it comes to buying confectionary, they do non lodge to one provider. They go by which of all time supplier has the best monetary value for whatever they need or if any of them have particular offers. This is besides a job that leads to holding excessively much stock, as they are merely looking at what is on offer and merely buying it, even without detecting that they have plenty of the point in the warehouse. At the minute, the company has no record of what is kept in the warehouse, the lone manner of cognizing what is in the warehouse is by roll uping bills of what has been purchased or by staff advising the director about what is losing in the warehouse.Aim of ProjectThe purpose of the undertaking is to:Write in item what the job isState how the job could be solvedState how the system will work and what it is intended to makeIdentify all the demands for the systemAnalyse and plan the system that I intend to bring forthImplement the systemMake a user usher for the company so that they are able to utilize the systemAim of the UndertakingThe aim of the undertaking will enable the company to:Become more organized – they will be able to maintain path of what stock they have, so they wo n't hold the job off holding excessively small stock or extra stock.Save money – the system will enable the company to salvage money as they will cognize what they have, so they will non purchase stock that is non required.Think of some more aims! ! !ResearchManagement information systemsManagement Information Systems can be used to treat informations into utile information. For illustration, it could be a system used to do orders. There are three types of direction information systems which are:Decision Support SystemsInformation coverage systemsExecutive information systemsDecision Support systemsThis type of system allows strategic and tactical determinations to be made. Decision support systems are chiefly used to back up the tactical, semi structured determinations that need to be made as portion of the rating and planning of a concern. Executive information systems are targeted at strategic determination devising, which frequently involves unstructured determinations. This type of system is normally created by the terminal user as they are the 1s who normally use it. That manner they know how is works directly off. Examples of where determination support systems are used are to analyze informations and see if there are any tendencies, for case, looking at gross revenues figures over a period of clip.Information coverage systemsThis type of system helps companies as it produces studies which can assist them to do determinations within the company. For illustration, this type of system would assist Biring ‘s News as you could bring forth studies of what was in stock, so the director would hold an thought on what he needs to buy. There are two types of describing systems which are periodic studies and exclusion studies. Periodic studies are produced merely when required by determination shapers at regular intervals. Examples include a monthly fiscal statement and a hebdomadal gross revenues analysis. Exception studies are produced merely when asked for. This would be utile for Biring ‘s News as the director could easy publish a study out for himself whenever he needed it, for illustration, he would necessitate a transcript of the stock study when he planned to do an order from a provider.Executive information systemsProvides senior directors with a system to help them in taking strategic and tactical determinations. Their intent is to analyze, comparison and highlight tendencies to assist regulate the strategic way of the company. They are normally integrated with operational systems, giving directors the installation to ‘drill down ‘ to happen farther information on the job.Off the Shelf packageA criterion bing system is purchased from a package seller and installed on computing machines located within an administration. This type of package can be purchased by anyone and can be used to run by 1000s of people. You can buy many types of off the shelf package depending on what field you ‘re working in, for illustration, if you do photo use you could buy package such as Photoshop, which is really popular. With this type of package, it is moderately priced as it is popular. It is utile for smaller companies as they are chiefly capable of being able to make what the company wants. This package is non every bit utile to bigger companies as they prefer to hold package to make precisely what they want. For illustration, off the shelf package may hold characteristics that are non required by the company or they may be losing applications that the company needs. Bespoke package is a better option for much larger companies, as they can hold it produced to their demands. I will be bring forthing a stock database which will fit the demands for a warehouse storage system, so it will be able to be used by other smaller companies.The Waterfall theoretical accountThe waterfall theoretical account divides a undertaking up into phases. The theoretical accounts show that you should follow each phase in a specific order, as the diagram below indicates. Feasibility Study – This is the phase where the user has to research whether their planned undertaking is executable. The feasibleness is broken down into four stairss:Prepare for feasibleness survey by measuring the range of the undertaking.Define the job ( what should the new system do that the present 1 does non ) .Choose the best feasibleness option from those available ( typically up to five concern options and a similar figure of proficient options ) .Assemble the feasibleness study, including the principle for the selected option.Analysis – this can be broken down into two phases which are the probe of the current environment and concern systems options. Probe of the current environment – this is the most of import out of the two phases. For this, the user will hold made a list of all the demands in the feasibleness survey, so now they will hold to spread out on the demands and do them more elaborate by speaking about how they will be solved. They will besides hold to province what attributes and entities they will necessitate and how they will all be linked in the entity relationship diagram. They will besides hold to take a information theoretical account so they know how they are traveling to finish the undertaking and in what phases. The user will besides hold to set up the purposes and aims of the undertaking. Business system options – this phase comprises two stairss, the aims of which are to hold what the functionality should be. A figure of possible systems solutions for the perceived concern demands are formulated and the impacts and benefits of each will be evaluated. The solution selected will be the one that most closely catches the demands of the concern. The two stairss are:Define concern optionsSelect concern optionDesignSystem design means that the developers describe in item how the system will work, what the end products will be and what inputs are needed. Similarly, processs are described and hardware demands defined.ExecutionThis is the phase where you create the system. It should be made right under all the given demands.Care and TestingAt this phase the system should be completed and tested to see if it works. A user usher should besides be created so it can state the user how to run and keep the package.MethodologyI am traveling to utilize the Waterfall theoretical account to construction my undertaking. I have chosen this because it allows me to research all facets decently before traveling in front and making the system decently. This manner I will non hold the job of burying to add in parts or adding in applications that are non needed. I am traveling to bring forth a stock database system for the company warehouse, which could subsequently be used as an off the shelf bundle by other little warehouse companies. This system will enable the director keep his stock by ever holding a sufficient sum of all his stock. The system will work by holding all the provider information stored on the database. From there the director will be able to entree their web sites and look into what publicities they have and besides compare monetary values to see where he could acquire a better trade. He will besides be able to see all the stock he has in the warehouse. The stock will be shown under their appropriate headers, for illustration, Coke would be stored under drinks. Following to each point of stock, it will province how many of each is stored at the minute. Employee inside informations will besides be stored on the system so that they can entree the system to enter what they had took from the warehouse, so that all the stock de grees are shown right. To bring forth the system I will necessitate the undermentioned information to bring forth the system:Name callings and references of the newsdealersWarehouse inside informations – where it is locatedWhat stock is sold in the storeWhat stock is stored in the warehouse ( magazines and newspapers are non stored at that place, is at that place anything else? )How many providers they useDetailss of providers – what they specialise in sellingDetailss of employees ( this is because they all have entree to the warehouse, so the director will necessitate to maintain path of what they are taking )To happen out all the information I will carry on an interview with the director.Requirements for the system:Employee-Employees must hold their ain user name and watchword to log into the system ; this is to halt any unauthorized entree to the system.They must be able to hold entree to their inside informations so that they can change it if any alterations are needed to be made.They mus t be able to change the measure degrees of all the stock to maintain it updated.The inside informations that will be required of the employee are their first name, last name, which shop they work in, reference, contact figure.There should besides be a map that enables you to add and edit/delete employees.Supplier –The inside informations that will be required are the name of the provider, the reference, website reference, email reference, phone figure.There should besides be a map that enables the user to add and edit/delete providers.Shop-The inside informations that will be required are the names of the stores, what shopping Centres they are located within, and the reference, which employee works at that place.There should be a map available that allows the user to add and edit/delete stores.Warehouse-The inside informations that will be required for the warehouse is the warehouse figure, the reference, what is stored at that place.Stock-The inside informations that will be required is the name of everything that is sold in the store, for illustration, Sweets, magazines, coffin nails, etc. Besides you will necessitate to cognize the measure of it that is stored in the warehouse.There should be a map available that allows the user to add and edit/delete stock, either when they proprietor decides to halt selling it or when a new point is released in the market.Hazard AnalysisResourcesThe package that I am traveling to utilize to make the information system is Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access is a Relational Database Management system. It is a really popular database system and it is easy to utilize. Microsoft Access database contains a figure of different applications ; some of them are table ‘s questions, signifiers, studies, macros and so on. Tables – these are used for informations storage. The tabular arraies are presented in rows and columns to the user so that they can input at that place informations. The tabular array is shown in a similar manner to a spreadsheet format as all the gridlines are seeable. Questions – they gather certain information from different tabular arraies and expose them all on one screen. Using a question you can alter the order of records ( screening ) , retrieve single records or groups of records ( seeking and filtrating ) , count, amount, norm, and otherwise summarize informations values ( collection ) and compute new values from values held in the tabular array ( computation ) . Forms – this allows information from tabular arraies to be displayed in a more professional manner. With signifiers you are able to add in images as you ca n't infix them into tabular arraies. Reports- studies are used for showing information in different formats. They can besides incorporate images and graphs.MentionsBocij, P, Chaffey, D, Greasley, A, Hickie S. ( 2006 ) Business Information Systems Prentice Hall, Pearson instruction. Chapters 6 & A ; 7Boddy, D, Boonstra, A, Kennedy, G ( 2002 ) Pull offing Information Systems Prentice Hall, Pearson instruction. Chapter 1Dowling, N ( 1998 ) Database Design and Management utilizing Access Letts. Great Britain. Chapter 1Glanss, T, Grad, B, Holstein, D, Meyers, W, Schmidt, R ( 1968 ) Management Systems United States of America. Chapter 1BibliographyThe hired Institute for IT. Retrieved on: 12/10/09, from the World Wide Web: hypertext transfer protocol: // show=ConWebDoc.2767Hero Solutions. Retrieved on: 12/10/09, from the World Wide Web: hypertext transfer protocol: // Office Online. Retrieved on: 13/10/09, from the World Wide Web: hypert ext transfer protocol: // Office Online. Retrieved on: 13/10/09, from the World Wide Web: hypertext transfer protocol: //
Friday, August 30, 2019
Hinduism Essay
Hinduism is the religion of the great majority of the people of India. The word comes from the Sanskrit sindhu, â€Å"river,†and originally referred to the Indus. Hinduism is actually a collection of many native Indian religions, past and present. It is responsible for the social structure of India, especially for the caste system (a hereditary class system). The oldest of the world’s great religions, Hinduism is the only one without a founder. It has never tried to win converts by force and has always tolerated other religions and absorbed ideas from them. Hinduism has about 20 sects, with beliefs that range from primitive forms of animism to the highest reaches of mysticism and philosophy. Many of the sects and cults seem to be separate religions. Yet all have a family relationship since they spring from common traditions and thrive on the conditions peculiar to India. Most have a mystic strain and all stress nonviolence. †¢ Describe the major tenets of the Hindu belief system. Hinduism has many sacred objects and places. The cow is the most sacred of animals and must be protected. Most sacred of all places is the Ganges River, to which millions go each year to bathe and to become purified. Hindus believe in rebirth, or reincarnation, and in what they call the law of karma. Under this law the conditions of each new lifetime are determined by the actions of the preceding life. To the Hindu, salvation consists of liberating the soul from attachment to worldly desires in order to gain union with Brahman. If a Hindu dies liberated he must be born again into this world and again endure its suffering.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Abraham Maslow
Abstract Abraham Maslow is considered to be the father of Humanistic Psychology. Though growing up in a cruel household, he accomplished much in his lifetime. An avid advocate of â€Å"Human Motivation†, Maslow developed many theories corresponding to the subject. This article goes into detail on his theory of Hierarchy of Needs and Self-Actualization. Maslow put forth the notion of a 5-level pyramid of needs. Psychological, Safety and Security, Love and Belonging, and Esteem were considered essential â€Å"basic†needs. These must be fulfilled before a person can reach the highest level of Self-Actualization. Maslow studied a range of historical and public figures to come to a conclusion of the characteristics of a self-actualized individual. A self- evaluation of myself concludes the essay. While evaluating yourself is never an easy task, I thought extensively on how to bring myself to a self-actualized level. I would be honored to eventually achieved the self-actualized potential, as only less than 2 percent of our population have been recorded as so. Early Life Abraham Maslow was the first-born child of Samuel and Rose Maslow. He was born on April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. His parents were destitute, uneducated immigrants from Russia. Strongly religious, they strictly adhered to the Judaism denomination. Maslow was raised the sole Jewish boy in a non-Jewish neighborhood. Due to this, he grew up lonely and found contentment in books. Maslow once said â€Å"I was a little Jewish boy in a non-Jewish neighborhood. It was a little like being the first Negro enrolled in an all-white school. I was isolated and unhappy. I grew up in libraries and among books, without friends†(Hall, 1968, p. 37) The home-life of Abraham Maslow was filled with troubled times, as well. The relationship between Maslow and his father was hostile. Being uneducated himself, Samuel Maslow forced his son to be versed in areas that were of no interest to Abraham. According to Maslow’s own recollection, his father loved whiskey, women, fighting, and regarded his son as ugly and stupid (Emrich, n. d. ). Samuel frequently humiliated his son in public, causing Maslow to think of himself as disgusting. This left marks on his self-confidence. If riding the subway, he would look for an empty car, so that no one would have to see how atrocious he was. Maslow intensely despised his mother, Rose. He felt that his mother was insensitive and unloving. Showing signs of affection or love was alien to her, especially to her own family. His disgust of his mother began when she decided to place a bolt-lock on the refrigerator. She only removed the lock when she was in a pleasant mood. Maslow had a love for animals. When he was a child, he found two deserted kittens and brought them home. One evening, Rose found young Abraham feeding the kittens milk in the basement of their home. She flew into a rage and crushed the kittens’ heads against the wall. This horrific event stuck with him for the rest of his life. As an adult, Maslow eventually reconciled with his father. In interviews, he actually spoke positively of him on a few occasions. Nevertheless, he never desired to make peace with his mother. Throughout his life, his hatred continued to grow and he even refused to go to her funeral. Through all the heartache, he managed to have a valuable relationship with his uncle that continued the full-length of his lifetime. On December 31, 1928, Abraham Maslow married his long-time love and first cousin Bertha Goodman. The couple conceived two daughters, Ann and Ellen. Maslow later stated that the moment that he married Bertha, his life changed forever. He regarded this as the â€Å"true beginning of his life†and they remained happily married until his death (Emrich, n. d. ). Education In 1922, Maslow attended the Boys High School in Brooklyn (Hoffman, 1988). In high school, his love for Social Science and Philosophy began to emerge. At the early age of 17, Maslow enrolled at the City College of New York (CCNY). He majored in science, focusing on a future career in humanities. While at CCNY, Maslow excelled in English and Social Sciences. Trigonometry was not his strong suit, causing him to be on academic probation in his second semester (Patel, 2012). In 1926, Maslow’s father pushed him to enroll at the Brooklyn Law School (BLS) to begin law studies. Abraham endured nightly law classes, while still attending day classes at CCNY. After two months, he dropped out, realizing that law was of no interest to him. In 1927, Maslow left CCNY for Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Due to cheaper tuition, he applied to the College of Agriculture at Cornell. He majored once again in social sciences to fulfill his dream. Maslow was disheartened by an Introductory Psychology course that he took, instructed by Edward B. Titchner (Emrich, n. d. ). He found Titchner’s teaching in of Structuralism and his theory of â€Å"Scientific Introspection†dull. At the end of the semester, Maslow left Cornell to return to New York and attend CCNY once again. In 1927, Maslow was again studying Humanities and Social Sciences at CCNY. In 1928, Abraham transferred to the University of Wisconsin after hearing of its exceptional professors. In 1930, he finally was awarded his Bachelor’s Degree and in 1931 he completed his Master’s. After having a hard time finding employment as a professor, he accepted the position of a Psychology Teachers Assistant at his Alma Mater. While assisting in psychology classes, famed experimental psychologist Harry Harlow took notice of him. Maslow soon became Harlow’s research assistant and first doctoral student. Harlow and Maslow studied the social behavior and learning potential of primates. Influenced by his work with Harlow, Abraham instituted a study of investigating food in preferences in animals (Patel, 2012). He examined pigeons, dogs and monkeys throughout his studies and found that the higher the animal is on the phyletic scale, the more fluctuating the animal’s food preference will be. Maslow published a paper of his theory called â€Å"Appetites and Hunger in Animal Motivation†in 1935 (Patel, 2012) His paper displayed the dissimilarity between hunger and appetite, and showed that behavior cannot be understood as motivated by the gratification of survival needs (Hoffman, 1988). For his doctoral degree, Maslow continued his research of primates; focusing on their dominant behavior. Throughout his studies, he found that the higher the monkey was on the primate scale, the less brutality in dominance. The results of his studies lead him to go beyond his original dominance theory and recognize that something else stimulates behavior, particularly in higher levels of human nature (Wilson, 1972). After achieving his PhD in 1934, Maslow accepted a fellowship at Columbia University. Working alongside the prominent Dr. Edward L. Thorndike, he extended his research to dominance in humans. While they were actively working together, Thorndike administered an IQ test on Maslow. Much to their surprise, he responded with a result of 195. Although Maslow originally was inspired by the work that he did with Thorndike, he eventually became uninterested. Maslow was compelled to research human sexuality, which Thorndike stood behind. Between 1937 and 1942, Maslow published numerous articles based on female sexuality (Emrich, n. d. ). Throughout his studies, he found that dominant women are more likely to be extroverted. Although that may be true, he found that those women were allured to highly-dominant men, who were aggressive and vain. Vice versa, women who are less-dominant, tend to interested in men who are kind in nature. In 1937, Maslow accepted employment as a psychology professor located at Brooklyn College. For the next 14 years, he would teach at BC and continue his human sexuality studies. In 1951, was afforded the opportunity to become Chairman of the Psychology Department at Brandeis University. Soon after accepting the position, he began to question the way the psychologists came to conclusions. He had his own ideas on how to understand the human mind. He would eventually call his theory â€Å"Humanistic Psychology†. He published many documents in his later life, including the notable works â€Å"Motivation and Personality†, â€Å"Toward a Psychology of Being†, and â€Å"The Further Reaches of Human Nature†. In July 1966, Maslow was elected president of the American Psychological Association. Due to his failing health, he retired from teaching and accepted a fellowship at the Student Affairs Graduate Association. On July 8, 1970, Abraham Maslow passed away at the age of 62 after suffering a heart attack. He left behind prominent theories that are still referenced today. These theories include Maslow’s Hierarchy of Self Needs, Maligned Human Nature, Self-Actualization, and the Theory of Human Motivation. Hierarchy of Self Needs In his 1943 paper â€Å"A Theory of Human Motivation†, Abraham Maslow first introduced his concept of Hierarchy of Needs. He stated that a person must full their most basic needs in a natural hierarchy while advancing to a higher, self-actualization. His theory is most often displayed in pyramid form. The original five stages of Maslow’s Hierarchy are divided into basic or so-called deficient needs and growth needs. The lowest levels of the pyramid consist of a person’s deficient needs, eventually advancing to the more complex, growth needs at the top. Once these needs have been fulfilled, one may work on his or her) rise to self-actualization. The first level to be satisfied is a person’s â€Å"Psychological†needs. These include one’s necessity for oxygen, water, food and sleep (Cherry, n. d. ). Maslow believed that â€Å"Psychological†needs consisted of your most basic, considering that a person could not live without these attributes. Once a person’s psychological needs have been achieved, the level of â€Å"Safety and Security†comes into play. These are the needs for structure, order, security and predictability. Once the individual has a sense of being secure, safety needs have sufficiently been met. Maslow’ considered the third level of needs to be less of a priority than psychological and security needs (Cherry, n. d. ). The stage known as â€Å"Love and Belonging†corresponds to the need that drives an individual to seek relationships with others. This is based on affection towards friends, family, children, and an all-around sense of community. Satisfaction of â€Å"Belongingness†then triggers the rise of â€Å"Esteem†needs. Maslow proposed two levels of esteem needs, these being know as lower and higher stages. The lower stage pertains to the need for status, fame, recognition, attention, respect of others, appreciation, and even dominance (Boeree, 1998). The higher form relates to the needs for self-respect. This includes feelings of confidence, achievement, independence, and freedom. The lower stage is easier to lose, based on the fact of the characteristics relying on the respect of others. Self-Actualization â€Å"What a man can be, he must be. This need we call Self-Actualization. †–Abraham Maslow The highest level of â€Å"Self-Actualization†needs presents itself once all â€Å"basic†needs have been satisfied. This need is fundamentally different from the former levels in the aspect of prior needs are driven by â€Å"deficiency†(Heylighen, 1992, Pg. 41). According to Maslow, Self-Actualization pertains to â€Å"Ultimate Psychological Health†that is continually developing. This stage is also known as â€Å"Growth†needs, due to the fact that once self-actualization is reached, it cannot be lessened, only made to grow. Maslow biographically analyzed several historical and public figures in his conceptualization of the Self-Actualization theory. Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Thomas Jefferson and Eleanor Roosevelt were included in a group of individuals that Maslow believed met the standard of Self-Actualization. In his research, he examined their biographies, their acts and personally interviewed a few contemporaries. From these sources, he developed a list of common qualities that these people possessed. 1. Openness to Experience- They are eager to learn new ideas and skills, open to engage in new experiences, and try new things. 2. Accurate Perception of Reality- They tend to be truthful and are able to differentiate between genuine and dishonest. 3. Freshness of Appreciation- They are open to spontaneous feelings of awe and wonder and are more prone to peak experiences. 3. Spontaneity- They are natural, open-minded and not worried about what other people may think. 4. Creativity- They exhibit a playful attitude towards problem solving and self-expression. 5. General Attitude of Acceptance- They are not deterred by events that they cannot change, only what is, might be or ought to be. 6. Stability- They have little difficulty making decisions and know how to distinguish between good and bad. 7. Autonomy- They do not need other people, make decisions for themselves, prefer solitude, and have a need for privacy. 8. Empathy- They possess an affinity towards humanity as a whole. They are friendly to everyone that they meet, especially children. 9. Sincerity, Self-Disclosure and Intimacy- They have close personal friends, family and lovers and tend to drop all defenses. Maslow once stated â€Å"There are no perfect human beings†(McLeod, 2007). Studies have found that less than two percent of the population actually achieves self-actualization. To be self-actualized, a person did not need to display all of Maslow’s stated characteristics, yet merely achieve one’s potential.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Islamic architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Islamic architecture - Essay Example The early Islamic architecture was inspired by and reflected both secular and religious and secular styles. However, with the increase in the industrial development, and the increase in population, the contemporary Islamic architecture has transformed and has forgotten its traditional / cultural roots. The objective of this research is to identify and study the islamic architecture from the past to the present. With the help of examples from the post-islamization era and the contemporary urbanized Islamic world, the research will compare the transformation of the Islamic architecture. What are the major features of the contemporary Islamic architecture? Are they in alliance with the features of the past era? Does the present features reflect the tradtion and culture of Islam and traditional Islamic architecture? In order to conduct this research, the study will primararily be based upon online data banks, books, and online Islamic Architectural archives. It will also utilize help from past researches and studies on the subject. However, it is not feasible to travel to the mentioned Islamic architectures for the purpose of this research. Architecture is considered as an important element of an culture, society, or religion. From the foundation of Islam to present day, the Islamic architecture has witnessed huge transformations and serious changes in its design and features. These transformations are increasing day by day and the the traditional Islamic architecture is losing its charm and may become obsolete. Keeping this situation in mind, there is an avid need of study / research that can assess and evaluate the reasons behind the changes and transformations of the new concepts and designs being introduced in the Islamic architectural world. In order to conduct this study, the qualitative research methodology willbe utilized.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation B Assignment
Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation B - Assignment Example He should be able to take calculative risk in order to derive huge profit at a low stake of loss from his business decision. In fact, the level of determination should be very high so that he would be able to consume and sustain during the events of business losses and occurrences of business turmoil. Planning and networking should be very strong and he should be able to reformulate the strategies according to dynamics of market (Burns, 2014). In fact, establishment of business requires extensive market research for identifying the resource requirements and analyse degree of competition prevailing in the industry (Barrow, Barrow and Brown, 2015). Apart from identifying the physical and financial resources as well as prevalence of business opportunity in the market segment, a detailed business plan must be prepared well in advance taking into consideration the nature and scope of business, establishment cost, source of supply, pricing and promotional strategies, technological involvem ents, supply chain and many more critical aspects. In this paper, a venture of Men’s Salon and Spa will be created and accordingly supporting business plan will be presented in a way that will lead the entrepreneurship initiative to witness a grand success (Carr and Newell, 2014). Entrepreneurship and commencement of a new business involves huge market research and strategy formulation, keeping in mind the strategies adopted by the competitors. In the next segment, the paper will explore detailed business plan and industry analysis for the Men’s Salon and Spa. The entrepreneur is planning to establish a Men’s Salon and Spa with an aim to provide world class experience through creation of a stimulating and relaxing atmosphere as well as installation of high quality products and machineries (Blackwell, 2011). Before driving a business, it is of utmost importance to recognize the need for the product and service among the consumers and identify
Monday, August 26, 2019
What Is Communication Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
What Is Communication Studies - Essay Example In this similar context, the idea of communication studies is widely defined as an academic field that primarily deals with the procedure of human communication intending to generate meaningful messages (Steinberg, 2007). In this paper, the notion of communication studies, its importance and the problems commonly associated with the aspect, will be taken into concern. Moreover, the link between culture and communication studies will also be discussed in this paper with the application of relevant models that include The Shannon and Weaver Model and The Schramm Model. Communication studies play an imperative role in every business organisation as it assists different organisations to develop their respective organisational forms in an efficient manner. Contextually, it has often been observed that organisations face various challenges when performing business operations effectively without concerning the aspect of communication studies. This is owing to the reason that the entire functional process of a specific organisation depends largely upon the understanding of the flow of information through communication studies (Steinberg, 2007). Communication studies generally involve two parties that include a speaker as well as a listener. With regard to determine the problems in communication studies, it has been viewed that misunderstandings arising due to poor communication can easily cause conflicts as well as other kinds of disturbances in the interrelation between the listener and the speaker. In other words, it can be stated that the conflict which often takes place between the involved parties in a communication process, due to creation of misunderstandings, is one of the crucial problems in the area of communication studies. Moreover, apart from rising conflicts, prevalence of dissimilar cultures, norms and languages are also considered to be the major problems relating to the study of communication studies (Steinberg, 2007). Culture and Communication Studies According to various researches, it has been apparently observed that communication and culture are undividable in nature. In this connection, the researcher s revealed that the aspect of culture plays a critical role in the field of communication studies. Intercultural interaction within the context of communication studies has become quite pervasive due to several important factors. These factors primarily include worldwide developments, rapid enlargement in the population of the world and alteration in the global business approaches. Most significantly, it has been argued that cultural dissimilarities may act as significant barriers towards communication studies. In response, effectual communication amid the involved parties in the communication studies would certainly minimise the barriers by a greater extent (Chen, 2009). The Shannon and Weaver Model (1949) The Shannon and Weaver Model (1949) introduced an effective communicative model which has been acknowledged as â€Å"information theory†and is regarded as quite beneficial in the area of communication studies. In this particular theory, the model revealed that the informa tion is regarded as an assessment of the entropy or insecurity in a specific system. Moreover, the model also
Week nine journal entry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week nine journal entry - Assignment Example Online class can already simulate the classroom environment where the students can learn in the same manner that they would in a physical classroom. The only difference is that they do not have to leave their homes. Online classes allow students to listen to the lecture of the teacher and take assignment and projects without him or her going to the physical classroom. Discussions can be made through forums and even direct question to the teacher thus simulating lectures just like in a real classroom. One of the biggest advantages of online classes is that it is efficient because it allows student to save time by studying right in the comfort of his or her home. The saved time can be used for other productive purpose such as working or engaging in a hobby. In sum, online classes can replace face to face classes because it can simulate classroom environment, students can listen to the lectures just like they would in a real classroom and it is a more efficient way to study because students no longer have to leave their homes to study. In the future, classrooms may become more virtual because of these
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Gay Marriages Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gay Marriages Paper - Essay Example It is presently unlawful and not recognized in the state of Colorado. On the other hand, laws have been passed to permit elected beneficiaries, which grant some of the human rights of marriage. Generally, no society can stand the sight of people belonging to the same sex forming families. The countries which have recognized gay marriage are Sweden, Argentina, Canada, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, South Africa and Iceland. The initial gay marriage licenses in the state of Colorado were passed by Clela Rorex in1975. These licenses were later on cancelled by laws that were approved shortly. This topic is extremely interesting to the gay couples in the countries. Same-sex marriage is the blending of two persons of the same sex in a marital bond, by way of complete legal rights and duties allotted to this agreement, by a given authority. Since time immemorial, only heterosexual couples were measured fit for adopting a kid. But these days, same sex couples are also seen en titled for adoption. From the angle of homosexual couples, adoption is an immense chance to raise children. A domestic atmosphere with two parents of opposite sexes is the most appropriate ambiance for the happiness of children. Otherwise, children are likely to be molested by gays, who may even be their foster parents. This puts a very high risk on the lives of small kids who may not be capable to protect themselves from the onslaught of stronger adults. â€Å"Colorado is home to over 13,000 same-sex couples. From 1990 to 2006, the number of same-sex couples in Colorado increased by 648%. Even though so many same-sex couples are living and coming out in Colorado, in 2006 Colorado voters approved an anti-marriage discriminatory constitutional amendment†(Colorado par. 1). Traditionally, marriage has been described as a legal and religious commitment between a woman and man, in addition to the decisive expression of love. So I choose this topic to identify the various reasons for legal constitutionality of gay marriages in Colorado.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Weaking Family Bond as the Pushing Factor of the Rise of Socialism Research Paper
The Weaking Family Bond as the Pushing Factor of the Rise of Socialism during the Industrialization Period - Research Paper Example The rationalistic view of the world gave rise to the mechanization in the Western World. The development of the factory system during the Industrial Revolution in the late 1750s left sheer influence on the different aspects of human life in the Western world. The increase in the factory system of production paved the way for the loss of significance for the agrarian sector and the society that hovered around the same. The major political party, capitalism, focused on production and profit and created severe problem on people’s physical and mental problem. Like other parts of the world, the Industrial Revolution followed the same trajectory in the United States of America. Clashes within the family became common phenomena during this period (Backer). Some people argue that the bad working condition and poverty led to the rise of Socialism. However, I believe that though the rise of Socialism during the Industrialization period were related to the imbalanced wealth distribution, safety and sanitation issues, as well as the discriminating treatment towards the working class, the major pushing factor should be the social disorder created by the weakening family bond. ... In a capitalist society, people, especially bosses and employees, considered production and profit more because they believed that competition brings out the best in people. By following a capitalist routine of production indeed stimulated the economy, yet the worker’s physical and emotional wellness was severely ignored under a high pressure of productionâ€â€they worked, struggled, and suffered. Comparatively, a socialist society advocates that workers should have most say in their factory‘s management and people look out for general welfare. Having a clear overview of the rise of socialism over capitalism and its perils in the society now the focus should be entailed at the storyline of Upton Sinclair’s famous novel, The Jungle. Upton Sinclair’s, The Jungle contributed greatly to the literature and social reform in the American society. The novel gives a vivid description of the life of the workers in America’s meat packing factory. The novel h eralds with the wedding feast of Jurgis Rudkus and Ona Lukoszaite who are immigrants from the Lithuania to Chicago. Along with Jurgis and Ona lived her stepmother Teta Elzbieta and her brother Jonas, one cousin Marija and father of Jurgis, Dede Antanas. The guests who came to their wedding ceremony were not all cheerful and they did not also properly wished the newlywed couple. Most of them went home disappointed and drunk. The reason was that this newlywed couple started their journey with debt. They have come from their homeland in Lithuania to Chicago to find a livelihood for them. But they have faith in America. Jurgis believes that he â€Å"will earn more money [he] will work
Friday, August 23, 2019
Compare and contrast the political and economical rights of the free Essay
Compare and contrast the political and economical rights of the free working class in the united states during the 1780s with the 1830s - Essay Example In this same the period, the capitalist mode of production appeared. Many of the workers were not happy, giving rise to the first strike. The journeymen organized the first rule to govern their rights â€Å"rule of the game†and this is what made them prosper. Here it is evident that the first political and economic rights were oppressing the workers a lot but there have been numerous changes, which gave the workers (artisans) more power.i The bill of rights has several amendments that help to streamline the coexistence of the people and the laws. Amendment V1 gives a suspect the right to remain silent in an absence of their lawyers. The suspect has the chance to enjoy fast and fair trial publicly, and have their witnesses to testify in favor of them. Amendment 1 gives the people the right to worship anywhere, freedom of expression even the freedom to question the government performance. Amendment V 111 does not allow extortion of people in the court of law or by the police when giving out fines or bails. The amendment also protects the prisoners from severe punishments. Amendment 11 allows people to own licensed firearms. For economic development to prosper there is the need for security for people to be in a conducive environment. All these amendments are to ensure that there is a protection of the citizen’s rights both economically and politically. ii Marcus Rediker states that in between 1770 to 1830, labor was turned to be a commodity that the workers would display to the masters, giving rise to a centralized mode of agriculture. Centralization of agriculture came with right fewer proletarians. The unruliness displayed by the proletarians made a sailor wonder â€Å"but a pair of good hands and a stout heart to recommend him?†The laborers had no rights and thereby were mistreated. In this period, only the rich alone enjoyed political and economic rights. The communal practice that was common among the Native Americans was killed by capitalism, and it
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Kushites Essay Example for Free
Kushites Essay Although most would say that the victor of any war has the upper hand in presenting themselves to a particular place in history, current beliefs paint a much cleaner, more accurate, and truer understanding of events that have led society changes and modern ways of life. This may be the case for centuries past and with the advancement of understanding past events, such as anthropology findings, the use of science in laboratories and field research, has brought about a much different, much more modern, approach in viewing and researching the past cultures, military strategies, and even laws, Victors in war do not paint a picture of events, but instead, paint a picture of themselves through military strategies, economic advancement, and authority changes. Military Reasons Using the Kushites as an example, the main reason they had a military and moved to other regions was not just political but religious as well. They began their war-like tactics because they wanted to create distance between themselves, meaning the monarchs, and the priests at Napata, along with moving to a more geologically safe area, meaning a place on the globe that would allow them to better defend themselves. The Kushites did a great deal of militarily strategic moves in order to create a more sound and prosperous kingdom. One such move was the capital of Napata to the new capital of Meroe. This move was believed , by historians, to be one of response to an earlier invasion by Egypt. This move was purely military, at this point, since further invasion was possible, due to the lack of cover in the former capital, yet conflict within the culture was also taking place. The dependence on religious leaders was not keeping the monarchs safe from harm, nor was this dependence prosperous for the cultures economy. Each culture, whether that culture is in the world today or not, has the sole, or central, belief, or need, for self preservation. Without a military, a culture would be assimilated into another and lost forever. These ideas are not new by any means, and on the surface seem, common knowledge, but the complexities behind each cultures militarily strategic moves being forwarded, is fueled by the need for preserving a particular culture. Its the ways, or military strategies, that are used to do so that are of such interest to us today. From a military point, at least in the case of the Kushites, the need to move the culture forward, in a protected manner, is the main, or underlining reason, for strategies to be put in place, and not so much for the need to write themselves into or out of history, but more for the need to be a part of history by preserving their culture and moving forward. It is important to state that the military involvement in the future preservation of the culture in which it fights for, is viewed, at least in the book for this class, as one way to see the need for military action, and the conclusions of that act are left up to the individual to interpret. Though its true that most believe, and stand by, the idea that history is written from the victors point of view, the true view of what approach history is written from is really the belief of those who study history and those who read it. To say that historians only see the view of any culture as a victory or a defeat, is only prominent in military strategies, since on the battle field one must lose and one must win, and does not paint the picture of the culture behind the strategic decisions, and does not truly matter in the form of fairness, until that history is read and understood by others, who, in turn, decide which way it will be presented to those who study history, either for a class or as a past time, does the question of fairness come into play. For the Kushites, history tells their story, but only because they have a military story that gives the reader access to the understanding of what they were about as a culture. Economic Advancement The Romans, as an example of the possible economic advancement of a government type, conquered land after land, and, from a historical point of view, did not really thrive economically. Romans, under the early rule of the Etruscans, were Manor owners and merchants that did not engage in a global type economy either in their time or, comparatively, in ours. The largest industry, outside of agriculture for the Romans, was that of mining. The mines were the source for stones, for the buildings, iron for weapons, and slaves, for the purpose of mining. Once an area of land was conquered, some of the people were used as slaves in the mines, and most, if not all, died there, thus making slave trade an important economy for the Romans. Outside appearance of the Roman empire looks as though it was a safe and happy environment to be a part of, but the Plebeians knew better. Brutality was the center of entertainment in the centuries of 1 B. C. and 1 B. C. E. for the Romans in which gladiator and slave alike were the center of the show. As the Roman empire expanded, they use of slaves became a great commodity to them, as did the mining that created the empire, coins, weapons, and, eventually ships, only to continue to feed the need of outside sources for economic wealth, and not so much on the agriculture of the people of Rome. This idea of conquer and use to support our homeland, is what the Romans did in their time, yet, as historians would argue, it was much more complex than that, and they would be right, but this can be viewed as as both a victory and a defeat in the arena of economic advancement. The dependence of outside sources, as we now know with our own countrys dependence on oil can tell us, can have a detrimental effect on a countrys economy. Dependence is a road to failure, but not right away, this can take centuries to happen. As economic advancement is not, necessarily the way a ruling party would view themselves, it does become the history of those areas effected by the conquerers, such as the popularity of coins from Rome in India or shipping goods by water instead of land. In economic advancement, Romans were writing themselves into the history books of other cultures without, directly, writing history themselves. Confrontations Confrontations will happen and have happened in our past, and historians have written one account after another of such exercises. Confrontations occurred at the religious level of most civilizations both past a near present. As did the Kushites fight to free themselves from the rule of their priests, as the Romans fought against and then for the catholic church, and as the people of India fought to keep their beliefs intact, religion is just as much, if not more so, the center of reason for combat between to rulers and/or territories. The Romans were the first to allow those in which they conquered to keep their own religious beliefs, so long as they payed Caesar what is owed to him. In the time of A. D 13, Caesar Constantine of Rome became the first Emperor to submit to the catholic church, thus, giving greater power to the church than they had exercised before. Under this ruling, the church now became the center of worship and conflicts began, continued, were fought for by Kings and those who did not submit to the church, found themselves either on the road to death or a signed confession of loss of path. It is here were the victors write their own history and where we read that account. We rarely hear of those who were conquered as treated well and prosperous under the rule of another or new center of authority. Those who fell under the law of the church and defied that law, found themselves wiping out their own bloodlines in the name of God. These people have a short written line in history as nothing more than those who tried to rise up against them and fell. Spartans would take prisoners from war, and use them as slaves. They became known as the Helots and no longer had their own culture but renamed within a new one. Assimilation occurred, and does occur, with conflict. Their can only be one winner and one loser, and one will change the other, as is the case of the Romans, the Spartans, and the Kushites. These three cultures ruled at one time and are forever remembered for the deeds in which they commenced with on the battle field. There are many reasons to go to war, some are noble and some are not. Still, historians only report what took place in past events, its up to the reader or student to decide whether or not it is written from the victors point of view or from the conquered point of view. History is taught from the victors point of view, as it is with Columbus. We do not live in the United States of Columbus, yet he is who we attribute this land to. This is just an example of the victor not really writing their own history the way they would perceive it. Confrontation is the source of change. Change is what reduces one culture to rubble, along with their buildings and daily life. Change is also responsible for the advancement of another culture and movement towards a continuation in history. Its the change that brings about a history of a people. Conclusion whether or not history is written from the point of view of the victors or not, the story is there. What brought a culture to clash with another culture, or what internal events took place, a change occurred. One culture was tired of being repressed by another, one culture was growing and needed more land and resources to maintain life as they had made it for themselves, or one religion disagreed with another and conflict occurred over beliefs. The military serves whomever is in control and, as the old saying goes, whomever has the gold has the power. If a culture can pay a soldier, then that soldier will assimilate into the belief of the one paying them. It is true for past civilizations and, to a degree, it is true today. The question of whether or not this is fair depends on who, in history, you asked. A paid Roman soldier would agree with the Caesar, whereas a peasant in England forced to work an iron mine, would say historians have only mentioned him and does not go any further than that. Sparta would say they are victorious even though their King died in the war against Persia. Still, they won that war and Persia, a mighty giant in the world at that time, meaning 480 B. C. , fell to rubble, like those they conquered and assimilated themselves. Our textbook gives us an account of what happened in the past, and our instructor gives more information and details to those events, but it is up to us, the students, to come away with the knowledge of what really happened. Only then is the conclusions that are agreed or disagreed on fair, and only to that person who sees the events in accordance with their own views and understanding of the world we live in today. There is much more to be done in historic interpretation, and in the way of teaching and learning about history, yet the views of each event will, or can be, seen as different or the same. There is no right or wrong answer to the interpretation of history only in the accuracy of the information provided, which, too, is ever changing. This class is but a small scratch on the surface of this time period and its history. Much has been learned and discussed, yet conclusions are, at best, illusions. Historians themselves will tell you that. As for what these cultures did to advance economically, to secure their lands, and settle religious differences, is what the textbook has done for us. This paper is the reflection of critical thinking based on what was learned both from the textbook and in the classroom. The debate is not over yet.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Citizen of the United States Essay Example for Free
Citizen of the United States Essay I would define a citizen as someone, who was born in, or to a certain place, who is guaranteed certain rights in the place that they were born in. Citizenship in the United States means that a person is a legally recognized member of the nation. Each citizen has equal rights under the law. All citizens have certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities. Americans who are not citizens have many of the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities of citizens. However, they do not have such important rights as the right to vote in elections, serve on juries, or hold elected office. Means that a person is recognized as a legal member of the nation gives each person certain rights and privileges, e.g., the right to vote and to hold public office means each person has certain responsibilities, e.g., respecting the law, voting, paying taxes, serving on juries explain that citizens owe allegiance or loyalty to the United States; in turn they receive protection and other services from the government Nothing is more important to America than citizenship; there is more assurance of our future in the individual character of our citizens than in any proposal I, and all the wise advisers I can gather, can ever put into effect in Washington. Warren G. Harding (1920) Rights of individuals. Citizens have rights. personal rights, e.g., to associate with whomever one pleases, live where one chooses, practice the religion of ones choice, travel freely and return to the United States, emigrate political rights, e.g., to vote, speak freely and criticize the government, join organizations that try to influence government policies, join a political party, seek and hold public office economic rights, e.g., to own property, choose ones work, change employment, join a labor union, establish a business Citizens not only must be aware of their rights, they must also exercise them responsibly and they must fulfill those responsibilities necessary to a self-governing, free, and just society. No governmental action, no economic doctrine, no economic plan or project can replace that God-imposed responsibility of the individual man and woman to their neighbors. Herbert Hoover (1931) Citizens have rights. personal responsibilities, e.g., taking care of themselves, accepting responsibility for the consequences of their actions, taking advantage of the opportunity to be educated, supporting their families civic responsibilities, e.g., obeying the law, respecting the rights of others, being informed and attentive to the needs of their community, paying attention to how well their elected leaders are doing their jobs, communicating with their representatives in their school, local, state, and national governments, voting, paying taxes, serving on juries, serving in the armed forces
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Slums And Shanties Problem In Sri Lanka
The Slums And Shanties Problem In Sri Lanka Slums including tenement gardens came into existence in Colombo with the expansion of export trade associated with the rubber boom after the Second World War. The character of Colombo changed in keeping with the new economic demands for warehousing, workers accommodation and the road network improvement. The city core became more congested and the city elite moved out into more spacious residential areas in the suburbs. The central part of Colombo became a predominantly low income residential area with many slums, and the northern and eastern parts of the city were occupied by shanties. Half of the population of Colombo has been living for many years in slums, shanties and other types of low income settlements. The 2001 survey carried out by the Colombo Municipal Council has identified a total of 77,612 families living in 1,614 low-income settlements in the city. Many of people in slums areas cannot afford the services provided by the formal sector because of their educational backgr ound. The slum-dwellers make their livelihood by working as garbage handlers, cleaners, street vendors and other as pickpockets, prostitutes and petty thieves of the migrant population to the main city and people who visit Colombo for various reasons. The informal sector, which is predominantly owned and run by the people in the low-income areas, provides the necessary services and goods needed by the majority of the city in parallel with the formal sector. POLICIES AND ACTIONS TAKEN TO IMPROVE SLUMS The government of Sri Lanka together with the respective local authorities has implemented several programmes for the improvement of slums and shanties in the city since early 1970s. A summary of these programmes is provided below. 1. Before 1970 Minimum Government Intervention No major government involvement in improving the livelihoods of urban poor and people managed their basic needs by themselves. 2. 1970 to 1977 Direct government intervention in preparing and implementing policies and programmes- Enactment of the Ceiling on Housing Property Law No. 01 of 1973 (CHP Law) Introduction of new policies and regulations ensuring the housing rights of urban poor and direct housing construction by government to meet the housing need of urban poor. 3. 1978 to 1994 The government started its interventions through a provider approach and gradually changed towards enabling approach in housing improvement. A number of programmes and initiatives were taken place. Establishment of the Urban Development Authority (UDA) Establishment of the National Housing Development Authority (NHDA) Establishment of the Common Amenities Board (CBA) Urban Basic Services Programme, 1978 1986 Slum and Shanty Improvement Programme, 1978- 1984 Hundred Thousand Houses Programme and One Million Houses Programme, 1978 1994 4. After 1994 In 1994, the Government appointed a Presidential Task Force on Urban Development Housing to make policy development which: Established a Real Estate Exchange Limited (REEL) programme under the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Urban Development Urban Renewal Programme implemented by the UDA/NHDA Urban Settlements Improvement Programme (USIP), JBIC/World Bank Funded Project Municipal Councilors Rs.1.5 Million Programme implemented by the Colombo MC 5. In 2010 The Urban Development Authority started to evict street vendors from capital city under supervision of Defense Minister and that program was hundred present completed. The Sri Lankan government is moving to speed up the military-supervised eviction of thousands of poor families who live in Colombos slums as part of the City of Colombo Development Plan to attract investors and tourists. Readings Mainstreaming Under-Served Urban Communities in Colombo, Sri Lanka by Marinne Dhakshike Wickrema Illinois Wesleyan University Bloomington, IL (1996) In general, slums may be characterized by inadequate access to water, sanitation and infrastructure compared to the rest of the city. Faced with a growing urban slum population during the 1980s, the Sri Lankan government pioneered the participatory approach and achieved widespread urban slum improvements by mobilizing community decision-making, conducting training workshops and providing small loans for on-site slum upgrading. The government played an intermediary role and attempted to incorporate slum dwellers into the mainstream of the economy and society. In spite of successive upgrading efforts, these residents remained marginalized in terms of city services, infrastructure and social mobility. The two main political parties are still linked to social welfare packages, especially subsidized housing for the urban poor. The political parties, with the support of semi-political institutions and other pressure groups in the society, started using the welfare system as a strong weapon in gaining political popularity and attacking the political opponents. Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) promise to provide houses suitable to live in for everybody and the United National Party (UNP) which ruled Sri Lanka for 17 years before the SLFP came to power in 1994, states in its election manifesto in 2005 that they will work towards giving a house to every Sri Lankan, will encourage house ownership and will erase outstanding housing loans. Experiences The Hundred Thousand Houses Program In 1984, the Government initiated the Million Houses Program (MHP). The National Housing Development Authority (NHDA) was charged with leading the massive nationwide program. The program consisted of six sub-Programs. Fifty thousand houses were built in rural areas through the aided self-help method. Another thirty thousand houses were built in urban areas through direct construction by the private sector. The remaining portion of houses targeted the urban poor in Colombo through a slum and shanty upgrading. The urban sub-Programme, consisting of about 300 housing projects in 51 local authority areas, was launched in 1985. The MHP was notable because the government completely institutionalized enabling mechanisms through a national policy that encouraged local government, community organizations and the beneficiary households to make decisions regarding housing improvements. Sri Lanka won the World Habitat Award for the Million Houses Programme in 1987. The Million Houses Program is frequently listed in the literature as a successful example of institutionalized national policy where the Government facilitated housing construction and self-help upgrading by decentralizing decision-making to the community through community action planning (CAP) which was pioneered in Sri Lanka. Finally, the Report stated as conclusion that the Hundred Thousand Houses Programme was objectively successful in improving the social lives of a selected group of slum dwellers. Participation of private financial institutions in social housing initiatives in Suriname Thesis Master of Public Administration Program in Governance 2008 2009 (MPA Intake III) by Marlon K. Powel The Government of Suriname committed itself to ensure that the needy households are guaranteed affordable and appropriate housing. As part of its social policy, public houses were built and distributed as rental housing and hire purchase. The house shortage has increased during time because the production of houses has been structurally low and cannot meet the demand. The author focused on the partnership approach in social housing in Suriname and explore if a PPP between the Government and the private financial institutions is an appropriate mechanism to address the housing problem of the low and middleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ income households more effectively. The author included as conclusion that Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are not solution for the housing problem of the low and middleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ income households in Suriname. He pointed out that there are no lands available for corporations that build social houses and contracting loans for social housing projects is very diffi cult. Also banks argue that the risks attached to these loans are too high. Low income households have very limited resources, are often not creditworthy, and have a low repayment capacity. The Government had failed to create a sound enabling environment for the actors in social housing.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Transition from High School to College :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Transition from High School to College All or most of us have gone through it. The countless hours we spent filling out college applications, scholarship applications, visiting colleges, and taking the dreaded tests. Whether it was the PSAT, SAT, ACT, or other college entrance exams, it was a big hassle. After visiting such a great number of colleges, the advantages and disadvantages of the schools seemed to run together in my mind. The endless paper work and deadlines seemed as though they would never end. When I thought about college, it seemed like it was not real, like it was a figment of my imagination. I imagined what it would be like, wondering where I would go. The questions of "What did I want to major in?" and after I decided that, "What schools had my major?" circled around in my head. When filling out questionnaires for college searches I was asked about what size college I preferred, whether I wanted to be in a rural or suburban area. Did I really know how to answer these questions that would so g reatly affect the next four years of my life? As the end of my senior year in high school approached, I had to make an important decision. What school was I going to spend the next few years of my life at? When the financial aid packages arrived, I was torn between two colleges. After sitting down with my mother and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both schools, I came to my final decision. It seemed like a year ago I was imagining what college life would be like and suddenly before my eyes, I would be a college student in a matter of four months. After attending my summer orientation, I started to adjust to the idea of college life a little bit more. I met new people, got to know a new area, and overall became more acquainted with the life I would be living for the next couple of years. Overall, orientation made college a reality for me. After orientation, I started asking others around me, and myself, the same questions most college students ask before they head off and take the big leap.
Satanism and Corrupt Christianity :: essays research papers
Spiritual Alchemy & The Bible True Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by hundreds to thousands of years. The traditional colors of black and red used in Satanism, date all the way back to Ancient Egypt and are symbolic of spiritual transformation. The ancient religions were based upon completing our Creator Satan's work: that of transforming the human soul into that of a god and achieving god-like power and immortality. Satan's Kingdom was stolen from him. The Judeo/Christian Bible is a corruption of stolen material that has been used to spiritually enslave humanity. All of the legends of the Gods are allegories. The Vatican and its cohorts have gained wealth, power, and control by forcing people to believe these allegories are literal places and characters. The completion of the work, what is known in alchemy as the "Magnum Opus" has its foundation in the kundalini. The kundalini serpent lies coiled at the base of the spine. Through meditation, the fiery serpent ascends. This is what is known as "Raising the Devil." There are 33 vertebrae in the in the human spinal column. We often hear the term "33rd degree Mason" or that the fictitious nazarene lived 33 years. The kundalini serpent ascends the 33 vertebrae of the spine. The seven chakras are also very important in the work. When the kundalini ascends, it must pierce through each of the seven chakras. This is why there is so much emphasis on the number seven in many ancient spiritual texts and also what has been corrupted in the Judeo/Christian Bible. Christian leaders mislead their followers through deceiving them into believing the stolen legends in the bible are real. Through this deception, the Vatican and Christian churches have obtained unbelievable wealth and power. This power is not only in the material world, but in the spiritual as well. All spiritual knowledge was systematically removed with the Inquisition. Those at the top are adept at black magick and have advanced to spiritual power, while the rest of humanity suffers under their control. Many ancient paintings we are told are of the nazarene, "virgin mary" and related are really of the Original Gods, such as Marduk (Amon Ra) and Astaroth. The Magnum Opus begins ideally in the spring when the Sun is in Aries, thus the man standing with the lamb. The halo is the ascended kundalini and the vibrant aura of witchpower.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Blood Imagery In Macbeth Essay -- essays research papers
In Shakespeare's Macbeth a play, a man named Macbeth goes through a great transformation; Macbeth goes from being a heroic general in the king's army to an assassin and a tyrant. The theme of the play is never give into evil because it destroys no matter what the benefits are. Blood Imagery is very important in the play; it shows Macbeth's evil ambition in the beginning, middle, and end of the play. In the beginning of the play, blood imagery is very important. "Till he unseamed him from the nave to the chaps, / and fixed his head upon our battlements"(I.ii.22-23). Macbeth has just killed the enemy and become a hero; Macbeth killed the enemy not for fame or fortune but to defend his land and people. In this next quote Macbeth's evil spirit starts to grow by completing the witches prophecy. "I go, and it is done; the bell invites me. / Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell / that summons thee to heaven or to hell"(II.i.62-64). Macbeth's selfish and evil desires have grown; he kills his own king in order to obtain the crown; this is no act of a heroic general but a selfish cold-hearted man. "Oh, yet I do repent me of my fury, / that I did kill them"(II.iii.99-100). Macbeth slaughters these two men to conceal his actions and to remove suspicion from him; Macbeth's evil spirit is growing; he must commit more evil crimes in order to cover up his others. In addition to the beginnig, Blood Imagery is very important in the middle of the play. Macbeth's...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Reaction Paper of May Day Eve Essay
As I was reading the story I was bothered because of some complication of the events happened. It is the only story that I have encountered for the rest of my college which I have to go back to what I have just read. The situation in postmodern fantasy is more complicated. For postmodern characters, the boundaries between dream and reality are blurred, the worlds as equally real. My own interest is not in the entire field of speculative fiction but only in the modern tale, which is descended from the literary fairy tale and the philosophical tale and, in particular, in modern tales by Filipino women who write in English. It accepts more than one reality and more than one truth. Well as far as I know, it is all about love on the night of May, the main character is Anastasia DoÑa Agueda which they call as a witch, Don badoy montiya as a devil and the girl which is the daughter of Agueda. This is an example of realism in fictional novel in which romance and love is occurred. I think Nick Joaquin is interested in the house of the middle class Maynilans. The boys way back on the past were very gentleman, good looking and very loyal to his love one. The story revolves mostly around Badoy and Agueda and the horrible marriage they had together. Badoy was once madly in love with Agueda, mostly due to her looks from the description in the book. He did not know much about her when they were younger and Agueda refused him at first. Later on Agueda is seen using a magic mirror asking who she should wed. The mirror replied to her that it should be Badoy, the man she had first refused. When Don Badoy Montiya forced Agueda to marry him, it shows the status of the women during the past. Love is a splendid thing, it just happened, as most romantics say that it how goes for Badoy and Agueda. Badoy told his children how he courted their mother to have a strong relation to them. The climax of the story is like ruefully causing sorrow or pity, pitiable and deplorable. Shrivel to contract and wrinkle, as from great heat and cold as long as the grief is the emotional which I included here. They chose to see the worst, but in the end, it can be seen they were in love. The worst in each other only came out when they chose to see it in the tragic way. The moral could also be that reality comes no matter what, and one just has to live with that reality whether it is good or bad. It also shows that youthful love will change and not always remain. In the story of Faith, Love and Dr. Lazaro you can relate of what is the importance of this three Life is too short to stress yourself to the things that is not that matter in our daily life. First of all we need Faith so that we can have energy that keeps us going, it help us to be strong to the trials we are encountering, especially in the way we feel like giving up. Love, we need to consider ourselves to be loved also. First, I thought it’s all about relationships or just the things that is happening between two people who are in love because of its title. But as I read it, I realize that this is all about a Doctor which is Lazaro who is very much dedicated with his profession but have lost his faith in God and time for his family. He lost his faith in God at the time his younger son died, who actually committed suicide and also because he witness people who is suffering from deep pain and yet they still die. He began to question God why there is so much suffering in the world. Dr. Lazaro devoted his time to his profession that made him lost time for his family, that he doesn’t even have a chance to be closer with his older son. But the scene that really captures my attention is when Dr. Lazaro and his son attended a sick child but unfortunately Dr. Lazaro failed to rescue the child, then the son baptized the child before it died. While on their way home Dr. Lazaro had a chance to talk to his son and ask about the baptism that his son made. Because of that, it made him to reflect on his life and he’s belief and wonder again about the teachings of the church which I think bring backed Dr. Lazaro’s faith to God. As I continually reading this, it reminded me the story of Lazarus in the Bible. Lazarus who’s resurrected because of Martha’s faith. Well, this story made me realize that we should not lose faith to God. Everything happens for a reason and God always is in control. In the end, we should not lose hope to God because without him, we are nothing.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Plastic bags Essay
Plastic can be defined as: any group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may be shaped when soft, which will later harden. Plastic has been around for more than 150 years. In 1839 Charles Goodyear accidently discovered the process of vulcanization, the process of making rubber more durable, which evolved into the creation of plastics later on. In 1846, Swiss chemist Charles Schonbein discovered how to produce the plastic polymer known as celluloid. In 1909, chemist Leo Baekeland created Bakelite, the first true synthetic polymer that could be molded and shaped into a solid object. Due to the scientific discoveries of these men, one of the most used materials in the world to this day was created. In the United States plastic materials are used in both industrial and commercial life. It is a material that is largely integrated into today’s common lifestyle, and can be used in many product areas. The creation of plastic was scientifically ground breaking, however there are consequences to using this moldable material. New York is a city that generates a lot of revenue for the state. With many stores, businesses, and busy people the use of plastic materials is a luxury. Without even realizing it, the people of New York City use plastic materials more than they think they do. Such as, the early morning business man who commutes to Wall Street to go to work. He takes the subway within the city, using a metro card. He then sits on the plastic seats inside the train, then gets a coffee in a plastic cup at a nearby cafà ©. He goes into the office and then sits on his office chair which can be made up of plastic material. Since plastic materials are used frequently in our daily lives, I believe it should be banned as a good first step in reducing the use of plast ic materials. New Yorkers should strive to lessen the use of plastic by replacing plastic bags with other material alternatives, such as biodegradable or reusable bags. Plastic bags are very popular with both retailers and consumers because they are inexpensive, sturdy, lightweight, functional, and hygienic in means of carrying food as well as other goods. Even though they are modern conveniences that make our lives easier, they are responsible for causing pollution, killing wildlife, and using up the precious resources of the earth. Americans use up to a billion plastic bags per year. However, we do not realize the harm that plastic bags emit. For instance, plastic bags are among the items that are non-biodegradable. It can take up to thousands of years for plastic to decay into small pieces. This is because decomposing bacteria cannot feed on plastic. Companies that produce plastic bags deplete Earth of its natural resources. Most common plastic bags are made from polyethylene. This material is made from crude oil and natural gas. These resources need to be conserved and the production of plastic bags does the opposite, thus lessening the already limited amount of natural resources. Plastic bags are difficult and costly to recycle and most of the time ends up on landfill sites where they take a long period of time to decay. They b reak down into toxic particles that contaminate the soil, they also impact the waterways by clogging up gutters and drains causing water and sewage to overflow and become the breeding grounds of germs and bacteria that cause diseases. It is also easy for plastic bags to enter the food chain when animals accidentally consume them. Plastic bags are amongst the top items of debris most often to be found along coastlines. Animals and sea creatures are hurt and killed by discarded plastic bags because they mistake plastic bags for food. Plastic clogs their intestines and leads to slow starvation. Others can become entangled in plastic bags and drown. These are all-important factors that have a profound effect on our environment and the organisms we share our planet with. We should not put our own selfish needs before the needs of everything around us, and the lives of future generations. Society’s involvement with plastic bags is harmful to humans and the environment. This can be looked at as a chain effect because eventually if one factor of an environment becomes greatly affected then it will affect many other factors, all leading up to catastrophic effects. Such as, if plastic bags are overused in the future, there is a chance of reduction of the fish and wildlife population. This can contribute to the v arious diets that humans have. Also, if plastic bags are continued to be overly manufactured and take up a lot of natural resources, it will take thousands of years for Earth to naturally replenish these natural resources. Thus, society will have a decrease in the use of natural gas. For example in New York, some city buses are run on natural gas. This is why plastic bag banning should be a public concern. If New York can reduce the amount of plastic material it uses, then why not? However, one might say that no one has the right to tell New Yorkers that they cannot use a plastic bag. There is a misconception about plastic bag ban regulations. Some feel that a plastic bag ban imposes on individual rights. However, they do not take away individual rights. Instead, a plastic bag ban regulation ensures individual rights. Individual rights can be defined as the rights held by individual people. Being able to choose and have choices in certain situations fall under having individual rights. The plastic bag ban regulations ensure individual rights because a bag ban forces the retailer to give a choice. The laws prohibit retailers from giving you a plastic bag. By prohibiting retailers from giving away pla stic bags, society then must figure out another way to get their goods home. As an individual you can go buy all the plastic bags that you want. No law prohibits you from doing this. However, you will pay for those plastic bags. Society has been given plastic bags by the merchant when we purchase their goods. It has become a convenience. However, in reality, we have always paid for those bags. The merchant has to figure the cost of the bags into the stores budget. They add a few cents to the goods to pay for the bags. For example, if the cost of milk is $3.26 the retail merchant will increase the price by a couple of cents to pay for his profit for the plastic bags. The retail merchant has to pay a cost when they buy the plastic bags from the factories that produce them. In fact, one statistic says you pay around $50 per year for those â€Å"free†plastic bags. With a plastic bag ban, everyone has a choice. Without a ban, everyone pays. If you want a bag, then you pay for it. That is what makes it a choice. Dozens of countries and cities around the world, including 47 towns in California alone, have adopted laws for banning plastic bags. The factors that convinced them to ban the plastic bags were that cities must spend a lot of money to clean up the bags and the damages caused by them. This is money that would be better spent elsewhere. Also, plastic bags are a threat to the environment, polluting waterways and other natural areas and killing off animals. Many activists say that banning plastic bags will redirect funds to come up with alternatives to plastic. In San Jose, California, it costs about $1 million a year to repair recycling equipment jammed with plastic bags. San Francisco estimates that to clean up, and recycle landfill plastic bags costs 17 cents a bag, or approximately $8.5 million a year. A ban would save approximately $18 to $30 per person annually. Bans are often considered a government attack on private business. With plastic bags it is a product that is naturally flawed. The bags are lightweight, aerodynamic, indestructible, and made specifically to be easily discarded. Hence the reason why they can easily be found floating in the streets. The universal plastic bag serves many purposes, but it is not irreplaceable. With a ban on disposable plastic bags, consumer demand will shift toward alternatives, such as biodegradable bags, this will lead to opportunities for entrepreneurs. Companies that manufacture reusable bags will continue to grow and expand their product lines, and will create environmentally friendly jobs. The sale of reusable bags will also generate sales tax income, unlike the disposable bags, which are given away. It is time New York City joins the banning of plastic bags, and uses its money on education, roads and firefighters and not cleaning up the plastic industry’s mess. Many people who feel strong about the banning of plastic bags are able to influence others and show them the harm that the innocent looking plastic bag produces. Special interest groups such as Ban the Bag, established in Portland, Oregon has such a powerful message for getting rid of plastic bags that it was able to make huge strides in the cutting down of plastic usage. These types of organizations give a positive outlook for advancement in the reduction of using plastic products. Not only do these interest groups bring awareness to people, they help influence certain debates persuading why plastic bags should be banned. They also bring success stories. In the United States, attempts by legislators to ban or restrict the use of plastic bags have been derailed several times in recent years by the lobbying efforts of the plastic manufacturers. But recently, as of October 15, 2011, the City of Portland has banned single-use plastic bags at major grocery outlets. A similar ban has gone into effect in cities such as San Francisco and Washington, D.C. In Washington D.C., as of January of 2010 a five-cent fee went into effect, the result was seen in only five months with a 60 percent reduction in plastic bag litter in the Anacostia River. The more people know about the effects of plastic bags through interest groups the faster we can get New York City to ban them, and add New York City to the list of success stories for banning plastic bags. Plastics are one of the world’s most commonly used materials. Everyone has seen, touched, smelled, and used plastics. It is so commonly used that many don’t think about what life would be like without plastics. Since plastic is so heavily produced it makes sense to reduce the production of it. New York has to take the first step for the benefit of people, animals, the environment and the future and ban plastic bags.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Raising Children
OPINION Raising Successful Children Lizzy Stewart By MADELINE LEVINE * PHRASES like â€Å"tiger mom†and â€Å"helicopter parent†have made their way into everyday language. But does overparenting hurt, or help? Related * Sunday Book Review: ‘Teach Your Children Well’ by Madeline Levine (July 29, 2012) Related in Opinion * Room for Debate: Are Olympic Parents Supportive or Overbearing? (August 2, 2012) While parents who are clearly and embarrassingly inappropriate come in for ridicule, many of us find ourselves drawn to the idea that with just a bit more parental elbow grease, we might turn out children with great talents and assured futures.Is there really anything wrong with a kind of â€Å"overparenting lite†? Parental involvement has a long and rich history of being studied. Decades of studies, many of them by Diana Baumrind, a clinical and developmental psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that the optimal parent is one who is involved and responsive, who sets high expectations but respects her child’s autonomy.These â€Å"authoritative parents†appear to hit the sweet spot of parental involvement and generally raise children who do better academically, psychologically and socially than children whose parents are either permissive and less involved, or controlling and more involved. Why is this particular parenting style so successful, and what does it tell us about overparenting? For one thing, authoritative parents actually help cultivate motivation in their children.Carol Dweck, a social and developmental psychologist at Stanford University, has done research that indicates why authoritative parents raise more motivated, and thus more successful, children. In a typical experiment, Dr. Dweck takes young children into a room and asks them to solve a simple puzzle. Most do so with little difficulty. But then Dr. Dweck tells some, but not all, of the kids how very bright and capab le they are. As it turns out, the children who are not told they’re smart are more motivated to tackle increasingly difficult puzzles.They also exhibit higher levels of confidence and show greater overall progress in puzzle-solving. This may seem counterintuitive, but praising children’s talents and abilities seems to rattle their confidence. Tackling more difficult puzzles carries the risk of losing one’s status as â€Å"smart†and deprives kids of the thrill of choosing to work simply for its own sake, regardless of outcomes. Dr. Dweck’s work aligns nicely with that of Dr. Baumrind, who also found that reasonably supporting a child’s autonomy and limiting interference results in better academic and emotional outcomes.Their research confirms what I’ve seen in more than 25 years of clinical work, treating children in Marin County, an affluent suburb of San Francisco. The happiest, most successful children have parents who do not do fo r them what they are capable of doing, or almost capable of doing; and their parents do not do things for them that satisfy their own needs rather than the needs of the child. The central task of growing up is to develop a sense of self that is autonomous, confident and generally in accord with reality. If you treat your walking toddler as if she can’t walk, you diminish her confidence and distort reality.Ditto nightly â€Å"reviews†of homework, repetitive phone calls to â€Å"just check if you’re O. K. †and â€Å"editing†(read: writing) your child’s college application essay. Once your child is capable of doing something, congratulate yourself on a job well done and move on. Continued, unnecessary intervention makes your child feel bad about himself (if he’s young) or angry at you (if he’s a teenager). But isn’t it a parent’s job to help with those things that are just beyond your child’s reach? Why is it overparenting to do for your child what he or she is almost capable of? Think back to when your toddler learned to walk.She would take a weaving step or two, collapse and immediately look to you for your reaction. You were in thrall to those early attempts and would do everything possible to encourage her to get up again. You certainly didn’t chastise her for failing or utter dire predictions about flipping burgers for the rest of her life if she fell again. You were present, alert and available to guide if necessary. But you didn’t pick her up every time. You knew she had to get it wrong many times before she could get it right. HANGING back and allowing children to make mistakes is one of the greatest challenges of parenting.It’s easier when they’re young  tolerating a stumbling toddler is far different from allowing a preteenager to meet her friends at the mall. The potential mistakes carry greater risks, and part of being a parent is minimi zing risk for our children. What kinds of risks should we tolerate? If there’s a predator loose in the neighborhood, your daughter doesn’t get to go to the mall. But under normal circumstances an 11-year-old girl is quite capable of taking care of herself for a few hours in the company of her friends. She may forget a package, overpay for an item or forget that she was supposed to call home at noon.Mastery of the world is an expanding geography for our kids, for toddlers, it’s the backyard; for preteens, the neighborhood, for teens the wider world. But it is in the small daily risks  the taller slide, the bike ride around the block, the invitation extended to a new classmate  that growth takes place. In this gray area of just beyond the comfortable is where resilience is born. So if children are able to live with mistakes and even failing, why does it drive us crazy? So many parents have said to me, â€Å"I can’t stand to see my child unh appy. †If you can’t stand to see your child unhappy, you are in the wrong business.The small challenges that start in infancy (the first whimper that doesn’t bring you running) present the opportunity for â€Å"successful failures,†that is, failures your child can live with and grow from. To rush in too quickly, to shield them, to deprive them of those challenges is to deprive them of the tools they will need to handle the inevitable, difficult, challenging and sometimes devastating demands of life. While doing things for your child unnecessarily or prematurely can reduce motivation and increase dependency, it is the inability to maintain parental boundaries that most damages child development.When we do things for our children out of our own needs rather than theirs, it forces them to circumvent the most critical task of childhood: to develop a robust sense of self. There is an important distinction between good and bad parental involvement. For example , a young child doesn’t want to sit and do his math homework. Good parents insist on compliance, not because they need their child to be a perfect student but because the child needs to learn the fundamentals of math and develop a good work ethic.Compare this with the parent who spends weeks â€Å"helping†his or her child fill out college applications with the clear expectation that if they both work hard enough, a â€Å"gotta get into†school is a certainty. (While most of my parent patients have graduated from college, it is always a telltale sign of overparenting when they talk about how â€Å"we’re applying to Columbia. †) In both situations parents are using control, in the first case behavioral (sit down, do your math) and in the second psychological (â€Å"we’re applying. †) It is psychological control that carries with it a textbook’s worth of damage to a child’s developing identity.If pushing, direction, motiva tion and reward always come from the outside, the child never has the opportunity to craft an inside. Having tutors prep your anxious 3-year-old for a preschool interview because all your friends’ children are going to this particular school or pushing your exhausted child to take one more advanced-placement course because it will ensure her spot as class valedictorian is not involved parenting but toxic overparenting aimed at meeting the parents’ need for status or affirmation and not the child’s needs.So how do parents find the courage to discard the malpractice of overparenting? It’s hard to swim upstream, to resist peer pressure. But we must remember that children thrive best in an environment that is reliable, available, consistent and noninterfering. A loving parent is warm, willing to set limits and unwilling to breach a child’s psychological boundaries by invoking shame or guilt. Parents must acknowledge their own anxiety. Your job is to kn ow your child well enough to make a good call about whether he can manage a particular situation.Will you stay up worrying? Probably, but the child’s job is to grow, yours is to control your anxiety so it doesn’t get in the way of his reasonable moves toward autonomy. Parents also have to be clear about their own values. Children watch us closely. If you want your children to be able to stand up for their values, you have to do the same. If you believe that a summer spent reading, taking creek walks and playing is better than a specialized camp, then stick to your guns.Parents also have to make sure their own lives are fulfilling. There is no parent more vulnerable to the excesses of overparenting than an unhappy parent. One of the most important things we do for our children is to present them with a version of adult life that is appealing and worth striving for. Madeline Levine is a clinician, consultant and the author, most recently, of â€Å"Teach Your Children We ll: Parenting for Authentic Success. â€
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